Export bookmarks in Opera Developer 25
razieliyo last edited by
I made simple a script to parse Opera 25 Bookmarks JSON file to an HTML that works imported on Chrome and should work on other browsers, since it's been based on a Firefox bookmarks html file. Read header comments in script for more details.
You need php with cli support to run the script. Hope it's of use for anyone as a workaround, as it's being for me.
The link: https://gist.github.com/alesegdia/e88f3bd23a5fd83fc3a9
gryzor last edited by
Razieliyo, that's an excellent script ("soy una url"... lol
), but it doesn't handle imported bookmarks or the bookmarks in the bookmark bar... I have hundreds of "imported" bookmarks with no way to import to the "regular" list...
razieliyo last edited by
hey! lol, I forgot to remove debugging stuff =D! about the script, well, I made it for my current needs, but I'll change it when I have a little time (not very sure when I'll do), I think those bookmarks are also inside that file, so I guess it'll be no problem.
razieliyo last edited by
So, gryzor, the script has been updated!
Now it exports all folders, even empty ones. Importing the output file has been tested with chrome. Also, I don't have imported bookmarks on Opera so I couldn't test that, but bookmarks bar are exported, even empty folders, so I guess exporting everything you have on Opera 25 developer bookmarks will work just fine, even imported bookmarks (importing import export exported imported exporting).
As previously said, you need php-cli in order to run the script. More details on the script itself.
Hope you use it, it has been a while to change it, so make it worth!
THE LINK: https://gist.github.com/alesegdia/e88f3bd23a5fd83fc3a9
gryzor last edited by
Thanks man, you rule. Really useful... I wonder how long till Opera does that internally. What a bummer!
lem729 last edited by
How hard can it be to copy a folder? Just click on About Opera, and the location is there. In Windows 7 it should be: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable. The bookmarks file is in that folder, which is your Opera profile. Right click on the folder, and save it where you want. You can copy the folder to a flash drive, dvd, zip, whatever. It should take a minute or two, that's all . . . It's not a bummer. It's simple. Or go into the profile, Opera Stable, and just save the bookmarks file in it. If you have the profile, you're saving more than bookmarks -- the Speed Dial, Stash, preferences, etc. So if you have the space, just save the whole profile. Otherwise, save the bookmarks file in the profile.
blackbird71 last edited by
How hard can it be to copy a folder? Just click on About Opera, and the location is there. In Windows 7 it should be: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable. The bookmarks file is in that folder, which is your Opera profile. Right click on the folder, and save it where you want. You can copy the folder to a flash drive, dvd, zip, whatever. It should take a minute or two, that's all . . . It's not a bummer. It's simple. ...
@lem729, I think the thread kind of morphed in the middle to a topic, not so much about backing up the bookmarks file while formatting a drive per the OP, over to "exporting" the bookmarks file to other browsers. It's new Opera's inability to "export" that I believe elicited the remarks about a script (and the lack of a native export capability being a "bummer"). Just trying to clarify...
gryzor last edited by
Blackbird71 got it right - this is not about just getting to the bookmarks, it's about exporting them in a format that can be handled afterwards.
Deleted User last edited by
Why it is not possible in any way to export my Opera's version 24.0 to a file, to be imported later or in other computer, etc...
That's a big miss by Opera developers.
Deleted User last edited by
How hard can it be to copy a folder? Just click on About Opera, and the location is there. In Windows 7 it should be: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable. The bookmarks file is in that folder, which is your Opera profile. Right click on the folder, and save it where you want. You can copy the folder to a flash drive, dvd, zip, whatever. It should take a minute or two, that's all . . . It's not a bummer. It's simple. Or go into the profile, Opera Stable, and just save the bookmarks file in it. If you have the profile, you're saving more than bookmarks -- the Speed Dial, Stash, preferences, etc. So if you have the space, just save the whole profile. Otherwise, save the bookmarks file in the profile.
It's not hard. The problem is that the file "bookmarks" is not compatible with nothing else!!! Just try to copy that file to a previous Opera like Opera 18.x for instance, or any other browser. If that file was compatible and "importable" by other browsers like Firefox or IE this would not be a problem, but as it is in the moment is a very big problem because if I don't like these newer versions of Opera (and I really don't) because it seems to rely very much on the Opera cloud and things take longer to open because of Opera's servers and etc, I should be able to EXPORT all bookmarks to a previous Opera version for instance, but that's not possible! You can't do it. Period. And if you do, please tell me how.
igelmitdeagle last edited by
Can you please explain how to run that script to me? I use windows and tried to run it like:
G:\php\php.exe G:\opera25_to_html_bookmarks.phpI have no idea how to do any of this.
It says:
Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in G:\opera25_to_html_boo
kmarks.php on line 61Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in G:\opera25_to_html_bookmarks
.php on line 66Warning: file_put_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in G:\opera25_to_html_boo
kmarks.php on line 80 -
razieliyo last edited by
You also have to provide in the command line the file that contains the bookmarks in a json format. It's placed on your opera folder, and it's a file called, literally, Bookmarks, without extension.
Usage: php opera25_to_html_bookmarks.php /path/to/opera/folder/Bookmarks output_file.html
klrman last edited by
Hey, this script is something I have desperately been looking for, but just to make sure, in windows 7 home premium 64 bit, where do I type php opera25tohtmlbookmarks.php /path/to/opera/folder/Bookmarks outputfile.html ?
and.....when the html bookmarks file is created, how do I import it in opera 24?
To clarify, Opera 25 is crashing my old pc big time so I need to revert back to opera 24, but I want to make sure I export all the bookmarks first.
Thanks for any help?
gryzor last edited by
You need to install PHP for Windows first. Never tried it myself and have always been using a Linux box to do it (or you can set up a virtual machine) but there are PHP binaries for the Windows platform out there as well. Just google it. After you've installed it open a command prompt and type the commands in it.
escape75 last edited by
I've written a bookmark export/import extension for Opera
that can export (backup) bookmarks, or import bookmarks from Chrome,
but it's not reviewed or approved yet, hopefully in the next couple days:https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/bookmarks-import-export/