Let's get right down to it, Opera Devs: Where, on God's green earth, are BOOKMARKS??
operasucksnowadaysbigtime last edited by
"some features like exporting stuff"
That's what I'm talking about
Have fun moderating a forum for a broken piece of code. Bye.
So, just for clarification: I can't export my stash data right now, because it's not that important?
christoph142 last edited by
So, just for clarification: I can't export my stash data right now, because it's not that important?
Spot on. -
A Former User last edited by
Opera sucks big time, doesn't let you export the stash data, preventing you from switching to another browser.
Perhaps ask Mozilla to implement a Stash importer. The stash.db database can be easily read. How about that? -
shmucker last edited by
Opera sucks big time, doesn't let you export the stash data, preventing you from switching to another browser.
Perhaps ask Mozilla to implement a Stash importer. The stash.db database can be easily read. How about that?So, you are telling us that there is so scarcity of manpower, brainpower and willingness in Opera Devs that 'other developers' must implement import capabilities for functions that really few and poorly knowledgeable users appreciate (and that, as I've read several time in this forum, are the main target for the present and future Opera Browser innovations) and that Opera has implemented?
That's really funny... I'm not sure if you are really helping the discussion in here.
And note the load of work that Opera users are putting in their 'normal' use of this browser trying even to gain some kind of access to their sacred and most valuable bookmark db with any means. Even a sqlite manager. A bookmark db that has grown in years of daily Opera browser use... since Opera 5!!!! This is a hell of user retention policy for sure. BRAVO Opera! So, at the end, Opera is not even compatible with their own user base. Very smart!
This is another huge and hot issue and this is something that simply break the standards that we are used to have in web browsing. If I cannot simply move my bookmarks from one browser to the other means that the 'other' browser is out of standard and deemed to doom. There are format in which bookmarks can be read by any other browser and simply ignoring standards is a less than a smart way to work in this World.
Again, who's responsible of this lack of vision?
You know, there are important things like reimplementing bookmarks, sync and downloads functionality and then there are some features like exporting stuff.
Have fun using FF. Bye.Really? christoph142 are you sure to understand what's going on in here, or are you just trying to be smart, looking the opposite? Please have a look at the word 'standards' on Wiki, and what imply for a company health and the probability of its future, then think again on how to look smart.
operasucksnowadaysbigtime last edited by
So, just for clarification: I can't export my stash data right now, because it's not that important?
Spot on.What would you expect from a company who lets mods like this into the open....
Figured out a way to convert the stash.db into a firefox-readable html. Need to create a python script for that, so thx opera devs, i have way too much freetime anyway ^^.
If the script is ready and working, I will publish it somewhere for the next poor souls who just want to leave a bad browser.
Oh, and I just learned that this is only a tip and trick forum, so we really should not try and go over Christophs abilities, he's just a mod with no knowledge of developing software.
A Former User last edited by
Mods are supposed to enforce the forum rules, not to manufacture pretty answers to please you. And you certainly don't know about Christoph's abilities, so please don't bring further personal attacks to the forum per the rules.
christoph142 last edited by
So, just for clarification: I can't export my stash data right now, because it's not that important?
Spot on.
What would you expect from a company who lets mods like this into the open...
You asked. I gave you an honest answer.
Would you prefer me lying into your face?
Exporting stuff isn't a priority when basic features like the ones mentioned before aren't finished yet.
You may have different expectations, but Opera - like every other company - does serve the needs of the majority of its users first, i.e. implement the most-requested features, which is the only right thing to do.
So you can go on complaining about how bad Opera is or how dumb mods in here are or you can just be a happy FF user and leave well alone.Figured out a way to convert the stash.db into a firefox-readable html. Need to create a python script for that []
If the script is ready and working, I will publish it somewhere for the next poor souls who just want to leave [Opera]
That's nice of you. Thanks. We'll be happy to share the link in here.we really should not try and go over Christophs abilities, he's just a mod with no knowledge of developing software.
Actually, I'm studying computer science and I'm developing browser extensions as well.
But being as wise and smart as some users in here is hard... -
operasucksnowadaysbigtime last edited by
""Exporting stuff isn't a priority when basic features like the ones mentioned before aren't finished yet.""
How come every other browser has these basic features? The above sounds like we're talking about an all new browser here?
Why would I publish a browser which lacks normal bookmark stuff and then tell people that other features are more important?
Ever thought of the possibility to implement everything and then releasing it?
Opera had a perfect normal way of managing bookmarks, then some guy decides it would be great to erase that functionality and shove a "stash" down the throats of users who surely did not want such a thing.
When users are complaining about the lack of e.g. exporting bookmark functionality, they get told that it's not that important..LOL
Did i miss something? Was the original bookmark functionality broken, so that it had to be replaced with "stash"?
And now that users want the old stuff back, it's not that important.
How did they find out what the majority of the users wanted? How did they come to the conclusion that a stash is what the majority of the users wanted?
Is anyone supposed to understand this? Please enlighten me.
I'm working on the script right now, but since we have a Browser Extension specialist in here, he is well capable of creating such a script by himself and publish it for the whole opera community. So no, I will not post it here for sure because it's not that important, right?
Deleted User last edited by
@operasucksn How did they find out what the majority of the users wanted? How did they come to the conclusion that a stash is what the majority of the users wanted?
By analyzing millions of data sets send by Opera usage statistics. Enligthened enough?
And now that users want the old stuff back, it's not that important.
A small minority. Others wanted faster Opera 11 back in Opera 12.x times. I and some others wanted Opera and S/MIME + OpenPGP im M2. But its not Xmas for users.
I'm working on the script right now, but since we have a Browser Extension specialist in here, he is well capable of creating such a script by himself and publish it for the whole opera community
Create it, work on it. That's OpenSource software, my dear. But don't complain, that this or that is missing.
operasucksnowadaysbigtime last edited by
"" @operasucksn How did they find out what the majority of the users wanted? How did they come to the conclusion that a stash is what the majority of the users wanted?
By analyzing millions of data sets send by Opera usage statistics. Enligthened enough?""
So you want to tell me that analyzing usage statistics yielded "The most users want a stash". Laughable.
""But don't complain, that this or that is missing""
Normally I wouldn't, but it was there, don't talk like there has never been bookmark management and they needed to implement it from scratch. They simply took it away for no good reason, didn't they?
operasucksnowadaysbigtime last edited by
"" @operasucksn How did they find out what the majority of the users wanted? How did they come to the conclusion that a stash is what the majority of the users wanted?
By analyzing millions of data sets send by Opera usage statistics. Enligthened enough?""
So you want to tell me that analyzing usage statistics yielded "The most users want a stash". Laughable.
""But don't complain, that this or that is missing""
Normally I wouldn't, but it was there, don't talk like there has never been bookmark management and they needed to implement it from scratch. They simply took it away for no good reason, didn't they?""But its not Xmas for users.""
I don't think it's christmas-ish for a user to click a button to export bookmarks. Looks like Opera simply doesn't want users to have an easy way to switch to another browser ^^
christoph142 last edited by
The above sounds like we're talking about an all new browser here?
Exactly that. Opera got written from scratch again on top of the Chromium engine.
Everything that isn't in it hasn't been there before. They killed nothing.
Ever thought of the possibility to implement everything and then releasing it?
You seem to have not the slightest idea how much time it takes to develop "all" basic features. And every one of us deems sth. else to be the most basic thing of all.
Did i miss something? Was the original bookmark functionality broken, so that it had to be replaced with "stash"?
No, not bookmarks, but the whole browser was. That's why they decided to start from scratch.
Opera always developed new concepts. That's where e.g. tabbed browsing originates.
Without some new ideas, there's no progress. And a fresh start is the best opportunity to re-think old concepts.
Stash might not be an adequate replacement for bookmarks, but it's been a new concept.
Opera analyzed and listened to the majority. That's why they are integrating bookmarks now.
I'm working on the script right now, but since we have a Browser Extension specialist in here, he is well capable of creating such a script by himself and publish it for the whole opera community. So no, I will not post it here for sure because it's not that important, right?
There's absolutely no reason to be sarcastic. Did I assault you? I don't think so...
You are free to do what you want. If you want to help other users like you said before, then again, we'd be happy to share it in here. -
tlatch89 last edited by
I like stash... it would be cool if they made it as powerful as the pocket app. Bookmarks suck.
oldbeck last edited by
I have been an Opera user since 1998. I don't much care for the chromium Opera. While I've gotten use to it, I have given up waiting for a usable bookmark manager and have gone elsewhere. I've been using Outertech Linkman for the last six months. It's a stand-lone program, compatible with all browsers, imports bookmarks from IE, Firefox, Chrome and more, including the oldstyle Opera bookmark db (including folders) without a hitch (I have about 1200 entries), has very fast search and search/replace functions, use the same db with all browsers simultaneously and a bunch of other features. There is a 20+ minute online video that just covers the basics, but the program has usable out-of-the-box settings. It's free (no 30 day trial nonsense.) The $30 pro version has db sync-ing, link validating and some other stuff I don't need. IMO it is better than the old Opera panel bookmark manager, and certainly better than what we can expect (eventually) in the new Opera. I believe most browser users, maybe even Opera users, don't want or need more than the speed dial or bookmark bar functionality. I know a few people that don't even know how to set a bookmark and use the omnipresent google search bar to find their favorite sites, really, every freaking time. P.S. I'm not associated with Outertech in any way other than being a satisfied user. You might have a look. I won't drop a raw link, Google Outertech Linkman (personally I use Startpage.)