"" @operasucksn How did they find out what the majority of the users wanted? How did they come to the conclusion that a stash is what the majority of the users wanted?
By analyzing millions of data sets send by Opera usage statistics. Enligthened enough?""
So you want to tell me that analyzing usage statistics yielded "The most users want a stash". Laughable.
""But don't complain, that this or that is missing""
Normally I wouldn't, but it was there, don't talk like there has never been bookmark management and they needed to implement it from scratch. They simply took it away for no good reason, didn't they?
""But its not Xmas for users.""
I don't think it's christmas-ish for a user to click a button to export bookmarks. Looks like Opera simply doesn't want users to have an easy way to switch to another browser ^^