Email Move from Windows 7 PC to Windows 8.1 PC
mike953 last edited by
Assistance please on how to copy email in Opera on a PC running Win 7 to a Opera Mail on a PC running Win 8.1
Thank you
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
First, move "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Opera Mail" and "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Opera Mail" to the same spot on Windows 8.
Then, download the Opera Mail installer, launch it, click "options", make sure "install path" is set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera Mail", make sure "install for" is set to "All Users" and install.
If you're using mail in the Opera suite (Opera 12 for example), the folders mentioned above will all be "Opera" instead of "Opera Mail".
If you installed Opera Mail or Opera to a different program files folder name, the folders won't be "Opera" or "Opera Mail". They'll be the name of that program files folder.
If Opera or Opera Mail on Win7 was installed using the "Standalone Installation (USB)" option, everything is all in one folder and you just move that to Win8 where you want.