Opera Mini 7.5.4 for Android
rabindroy last edited by
opera.mini has none to rival when it comes to mobile for most people. i love it. however, i expect better computerized interent service from it. hope, days are not long ahead!
http://loan-insurance-mortgage.blogspot.com/ -
lostinspacepart2 last edited by
Opera mini won't connect to the internet. I uninstalled it then reinstalled it. Same problem. I then used the "normal" android browser and UCS then Noat then Chrome. They all work fine. Why is Opera mini not working? All I get is "Cannot connect to the server".
nowurtalkin last edited by
"opera.mini has none to rival when it comes to mobile for most people."- well then you must have knowledge that Omini has more than 500 million users, as UC browser does...(?). Personally, I highly doubt that is currently the case. As I noted, a simple perusal of the commentary, from start til now, on this board... as well as for a very long time on the previous iteration of board, clearly does not even come close to reflecting a user base attitude, that feels it's the best. Esp not in the last year or two. Thousands of complaints & very little overall praise. And many of the same repeating complaints. I can't help but venture, or at least wonder... that if you think it's the best thing going, as you said, what other browsers, up to date now, that your have given a serious look at or tested...?
"... i love it. however, i expect better computerized interent service from it.
hope, days are not long ahead!"- I cannot even understand the above statement (...expect better computerized interent service...)??? If by that, you mean opera mini's working w/the Internet, well, isn't that the main function of a browser? Or if you mean opera working w/your computer, then you are talking about a diff subject than opera mini browser for Android.
As I basically asked b4, what can om Android do that UC browser can't do? (the only thing I know of relates to RSS not available but is in some versions). Better yet, what can om Android not do that UC browser can? That... is a very long list & includes many very important functions.
- well then you must have knowledge that Omini has more than 500 million users, as UC browser does...(?). Personally, I highly doubt that is currently the case. As I noted, a simple perusal of the commentary, from start til now, on this board... as well as for a very long time on the previous iteration of board, clearly does not even come close to reflecting a user base attitude, that feels it's the best. Esp not in the last year or two. Thousands of complaints & very little overall praise. And many of the same repeating complaints. I can't help but venture, or at least wonder... that if you think it's the best thing going, as you said, what other browsers, up to date now, that your have given a serious look at or tested...?
nowurtalkin last edited by
@lost in...part 2:
I suggest checking your settings & network test. You m get also note what your device is as well as versions, etc. Then some techy might help you to connect. I would be curious also, to know that since you can connect w/UC browser & assuming you have a very recent version (like 9.8) of it....for what specifically, would you be looking to omini to do for you, over & above UC?
Appreciate knowing ans to same... Thx
nowurtalkin last edited by
This crummy forum doesn't even seem to have a basic edit function.. In my msg above, it should've read :
"You might also note... "
nowurtalkin last edited by
"the site im using is forgotten tales forums Forgotten Tales"- I tried to go to this site & below is the only thing available. There is nothing else to go to, link to, or see... just:
New forum
1 Posts 1 Topics
Latest post from compbatant, on Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:18 pm
========== - that's it...!!?? Not even the supposed 1 post (wow, awesome forum..)
This is what you get these days, if your lucky, with om...bcuz in many cases, all you get is a blank page w/the Addy at the top. (some sites work... I est about 40-50% these days. That is using a quite capable Android phone w/ver 4.0.3. And in many other sites, which do open, rendering is so bad it's ridiculous. And many times I now discover extremely important content is not even there that should be & I would never even know it, had I not intuitively checked using other browsers... "best mobile browser for most people" (another poster's comment..) ........ Yeah, RIGHT! ... gimme a break...
- I tried to go to this site & below is the only thing available. There is nothing else to go to, link to, or see... just:
nowurtalkin last edited by admin
I posted a reply to you earlier. Now I see it didn't even post. Part for course. I told you that if you go to settings & if you have advanced on menu, there is the switch for notifications. I presume that's for rcvg notification/alerts of something you subscribed to here? Not sure. I also had mentioned that I thought there was a manual around here somewhere that should explain it. Well, here's the link to it, but waste of time... When you go the section in the so called manual, for "advanced settings" it simply skips over that part, w/no explanation whatsoever (oh duh).
kpbicmah last edited by
@nowurtalkin, sorry for misspelling your name.
by 'many letters' I mean 'letters' as 'symbols' or 'characters' (your second post was quite long, which I appreciate).
UC is good [for browsing], but it sucks [for RSS], that's what I was trying to say. So it's not exactly 180 degrees.
Regarding OM and its RSS reader - I can't use it, that's the problem. I can install it but it has to connect to the Internet on the first run, and that attempt never goes through. Same as @lostinspacepart2 (hope I spelt that correctly) reports. I did describe my problem in detail in my first post, but no techie came around to help.
Years ago I remember having the same problem on Symbian devices. I was working for a mobile operator then, and our Internet connection was over satellite, which was terribly slow. When I asked our IT department for logs from our Internet gateway server, I could see that OM timed out before the IP address of whatever server it was trying to 'phone home' to could be resolved. Changing DNS settings on the phone to one of the root DNS servers saved the day back then. That is why I started messing with DNS settings this time.
P.S.: and @rabindroy is just a spammer (an irrelevant post with an irrelevant link). I was going to say this lousy forum doesn't even have a 'flag' feature, but then I noticed a grey gear icon on grey background.
Given Opera team's response speed, I doubt these posts will ever be taken down, though.
nowurtalkin last edited by
Re: rabindroy, I have to agree on the irrelevant content & the link. I'm not quite sure if he constitutes a real spammer or just more confused & knowledge lack no than me..
I noted you said your issue was like lostinspace2, but he sounds like he has a basic no connection issue whereas I thought (maybe misstakenly) that you explained that your issue was pretty much RSS not connecting (as in a separate event/function, separate from om's ability to connect to net. That's how I read it from you. Sorry if I misunderstand. But it does sound to me like he just can't to net period & I didn't notice him talking about RSS & it also sounds do to me as tho you indeed can connect to the Internet, but per your explanation, RSS doesn't get its handshaking done quick enuff or something & is thus passed over?
I've never used RSS except for testing it out once or twice, so I don't know much about it or how it works, but as the name implies, it's simple connection back to a news service or I guess just about anything (?) which is linked to & pushes it's corresponding headlines especially to you, which if I have that grasped correctly, I can see how you find that pretty convenient & time saving....
I wonder if in lieu of an om fix to this issue for you, you could just install one now those numerous standalone RSS apps that I mentioned to you earlier?? Lots of them in the store. Is there some reason one of those would significantly lack for you?
Also, do you know who Dennis Bournique (?) is? I am pretty sure he would be the one to understand this & give you a solution if one exists. He hangs around here sometimes but has a blog to solve these opera issues, as well as some other browsers...
If you need it I might have a link to him I could give you. I think he is your best bet.
But there are most definitely major connection problem issues more recently with om, no doubt to about that. I'm constantly getting connection errors initially & also getting kicked off from connections ALOT! and that does not happen with any of the other browsers I have. Have you tried a bug report (if they still have that?). Dennis is the way to go.
nowurtalkin last edited by
Here you go.. Post your issue here & if he doesn't know, I think no one does.
nowurtalkin last edited by
I had made 1 or 2 comments after the last one. I came back here to 1) see if) Kpbicmah checked w/Dennis Bournique re his om issues & 2) to see if there were any comments about what to expect from the new update to mini Android. So nothing on either one of those things and to top it off my comment(s) which were on pg 2, are now gone, vanished, nada. Really something, this browser & this forum......<sighs>
p.s. for the record, I pushed button to post this & it gave me a blank composition box & no post made. Lovely thing this opera meany... Lemme give it about 42 more tries.....
nowurtalkin last edited by
I had made 1 or 2 comments after the last one. I came back here to 1) see if) Kpbicmah checked w/Dennis Bournique re his om issues & 2) to see if there were any comments about what to expect from the new update to mini Android. So nothing on either one of those things and to top it off my comment(s) which were on pg 2, are now gone, vanished, nada. Really something, this browser & this forum......<sighs>
p.s. for the record, I pushed button to post this & it gave me a blank composition box & no post made. Lovely thing this opera meany... Lemme give it about 42 more tries.....
Fantastic! It stole my posts, and now it won't let me post any new ones & if I try it just erases it after I hit post. It doesn't get any better than this..........do it?
nowurtalkin last edited by
I had made 1 or 2 comments after the last one. I came back here to 1) see if) Kpbicmah checked w/Dennis Bournique re his om issues & 2) to see if there were any comments about what to expect from the new update to mini Android. So nothing on either one of those things and to top it off my comment(s) which were on pg 2, are now gone, vanished, nada. Really something, this browser & this forum......<sighs>
p.s. for the record, I pushed button to post this & it gave me a blank composition box & no post made. Lovely thing this opera meany... Lemme give it about 42 more tries.....
Fantastic! It stole my posts, and now it won't let me post any new ones & if I try it just erases it after I hit post. It doesn't get any better than this..........do it?
Cool! Not only all above but it also immediately erases the draft, as soon as I hit post comment. World class baby!
nowurtalkin last edited by
Amazing..... Completely ripped me off, right from under my nose...erased my comments (over & over...), any new comments, my copy to clipboard, anything & everything... AMAZING...!! no matter what I do, it just eats it & won't allow me to do anything else. This sucks CANAL WATER!
nowurtalkin last edited by
Ok, what has happened, what u see above is it refused to post anything new & ripped off one or two existing posts & then, since I could not find any feedback here re: today's update, I decided there wasn't much to lose cuz there isn't much left of om & forum, so I downloaded the update. I tried to open & got only a black screen & thought; "alright then...its finally put itself out of its (and my) misery & is no longer functional & lost all data & to heck w/it. But I also knew enough to go to settings & do a force stop & a restart of browser & not only is it working again but I see above all the attempts I made to post that wasn't working then, are now there (although I still think it robbed a couple earlier posts, I have to check closer on that...
So for all you people I see lined up at the store site w/comments b4 & now, about "won't open/black screen", etc, be sure to do a force close & reopen.
A Former User last edited by
First, let me ask, are you writing on big and bold fonts on purpose?
What's this topic revolving around now? Are you still discussing any issue? Forum issues belong to other sub-forum (yes I did experience once that when I pressed post comment the field blanked out and the comment didn't appear, but reloading the page showed it posted - the forum software has just been updated and they need time to check these new issues). For reporting Opera Mini bugs you can use the Opera Mini bug wizard, describing the steps in detail as advised...
nowurtalkin last edited by
First, let me ask, are you writing on big and bold fonts on purpose?"- huh??... no idea what you're talking about... I have never done anything to my fonts. The fonts on my screen here are quite small & thin, not big & bold. I cannot even read them w/o wearing readers. And even w/readers on its hard to make out the letter viewed in portrait mode. In landscape, their ok but still pretty small. It's set to large in settings. Anything less would be unusable. And I see no setting for bold & my fonts are certainly not showing in bold. If I knew how I would give you a screen shot.
"What's this topic revolving around now? Are you still discussing any issue?"
*Are you nuts? I describe in detail what issues this so called browser is present no to me (and their plenty of collaboration from other users as well). I spell it out point by point & step by step & you come on here asking what am I talking about? Get a grip.. And this crummy forum architecture is difficult enough to use, w/o so much as an edit function. It's hard enough as it is to report this stuff. All you have to do is look at one post after another after another & every single string & topic & all you see is one complaint & problem after another, for days & weeks & months & then an update comes out (which, by the way, I did the update & my settings still reports the same old version... nothing works right here.... nothing...) and all you here the users saying is "don't do it"..."stay away"..."now even worse" etc etc. For yrs I have done my best to help anyone I think I might be able to assist on om. But never rcv any myself from the om people. Many others say the same essentially. Just in my last post, before you posted this stuff about huge & bold fonts stuff, after my attempt to update resulted in more heartache & consternation & loss of stuff & then black screen, then I discovered a fix for that, so I came right back on here and reported that to any users it might help, esp since I saw many of the people commenting at the store (and here) that they were running into that, so I was quick to explain a possible fix. So what is your problem?
And right before that I recall offered some very good advise to the guy having problem w/om & when I couldn't give enuff help, I told him to look up Dennis Bournique for maybe how to fix or accomplish what he wanted to (about rss). And looking to the top I see this thread was about the dang update, which led to complaints which I spoke to, both with my own issues as well offering any help I could think of.. So what is your problem, regarding topics & such?
Oh hell, now I'm I'm trying to go back to the 1st page so I can further substantiate my reply, but now that function won't work either. It gives a pop up error saying I'm not connected, but am indeed connected, so it won't even allow me to go back & look at the previous page. It's become the most broken browser I have ever seen (not counting the versions that wouldn't even load or open).
"Are you still discussing any issue?"
- whaa??... That all I did did discuss.. the issues reported by an earlier poster & then the issues I had when I tried to do what this topic was initially about, which was the update, so I'm right on point & gave a detailed report of what occurred when I did said "update" (which again, is not even acknowledged as updated when I look in settings/about). What a joke..
"Forum issues belong to other sub-forum (yes I did experience once that when I pressed post comment the field blanked out and the comment didn't appear, but reloading the page showed it posted - the forum software has just been updated and they need time to check these new issues)."
- in my opinion, that's lame.. 1) who can discern the difference if these rampant running issues are om issue or forum issue? 2) it's not our job to figure that out, it's operas job to test things more completely b4 they dump such junk on ppl & brag about how great is at the top of the page.... after ppl waited like a freakin year for the darn update. Besides it's been fraught with many problems for the beginning & keeps getting worse over time, so making some silly excuse about new forum adjustments, is well, just that. This is the poorest working forum I have ever seen (the old one was good) & the browser has become the same & that's what all the comments reflect & what I personally posted about in this thread...SINCE YOU ASK!
A Former User last edited by admin
@nowurtalkin thanks for your reply.
I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum (markdown) your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used "*" which added topics to your post, for example.
All you have to do is look at one post after another after another & every single string & topic & all you see is one complaint & problem after another, for days & weeks & months & then an update comes out (which, by the way, I did the update & my settings still reports the same old version... nothing works right here.... nothing...) and all you here the users saying is "don't do it"..."stay away"..."now even worse" etc etc.
I know, it's human nature. You should know that humans rarely want to "waste" their time registering to a forum just to say "thanks", obviously people only come here when they have a problem which disrupts them so much that they have to dedicate a little of their precious time. We'll see even less praise since the location of this forum is under the Help section of the main site. It's MEANT for users to come here with issues to discuss, looking for help and to find a solution.The downsides of using a microbrowser (server-based) browser like Opera Mini are known. IMO the best solution for Opera if they don't want to maintain Presto anymore and fix Opera Mini issues present since ever which seem impossible to do due to its server-client nature is to discontinue it, changing the compression to Turbo in a full-featured browser.
Oh hell, now I'm I'm trying to go back to the 1st page so I can further substantiate my reply, but now that function won't work either.
You can't edit posts . It's an anti-spam and anti-confusion measure (anyone would be able to change it to add spam links or remove or add things said confusing other members).SINCE YOU ASK!
Since the new Opera Mini 7.5.5 version has been released I'd like to close this topic so everyone discuss on the newest topic for the newest version. I indicated you the way to report bugs so they're officially registered. Generally to demand results in all areas in the real world you must create a service order / issue / ticket, so I advise you to take this path.However, still, I'd like to point again to the nature of OM's engine, which works server-side. So, although Opera Mini for Android is a supported product as far as security, features and general bugs go, it'd be too much to expect they make changes to the core mechanic of the browser radically which is in question here. Also note that Opera is moving away from Presto to the new line of browsers using the Chromium framework (although it's said Opera Mini engine is due an upgrade, there's no publicly-announced timescale and I actually doubt it'll happen). That's of course my opinion. I've moved long ago from Opera Mini to its full-fledged counterpart and I suggest that if you want the best compatibility and functions when interacting with websites.
nowurtalkin last edited by
I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special
characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be
transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum ( markdown )
your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used ""
which added topics to your post, for example I asked about the font to acknowledge you that since you're using special
characters such as "=======" which makes the text above to be
transformed in headers in the formatting tool of this forum ( markdown )
your posts are looking huge in a computer's screen. You also used ""
which added topics to your post, for example.I'll ans the above part 1st. I used those 2 particular special characters in order to help separate & differentiate your quote from my commentary on it. As far as I can see there's no longer a basic quote function. There used to be such a function. Most half decent forums have such a function I think. Now I have to worry about using those very common characters. And it's not as tho I used then in some unique way, like if I was using html. Whenever I have wanted to make separator between 1 part of text to another, in text or email or any forums, I've always found it easiest to use that double dash line & never knew it to be or was told by anyone that it caused any problem w/my text. I'm surprised to know it is causing such a problem as you just described. Thanx for letting me know it. Opera mini is for phones, no?.. and so I would expect that most ppl send & rcv text via portable device, usually phone. And I used the asterisk to further accent the separation between your quoted text & my comments. It's just a common asterisk & seems like I should be able to use it in its normally used way. Moreover, you say this issue is due to the use of markdown used in this forum. I don't know what markdown is, nor do I, as a casual user, think I should be expected to know anything about it, nor did I see anywhere, since having the old forum ripped out from under us & now this substitute, any warnings or instructions or heads up about using simple characters like the double dash, asterisk, quotation marks or any other such use. In many yrs of using forums never had any such problem. Seems crazy to me.