@nowurtalkin, sorry for misspelling your name. by 'many letters' I mean 'letters' as 'symbols' or 'characters' (your second post was quite long, which I appreciate).
UC is good [for browsing], but it sucks [for RSS], that's what I was trying to say. So it's not exactly 180 degrees.
Regarding OM and its RSS reader - I can't use it, that's the problem. I can install it but it has to connect to the Internet on the first run, and that attempt never goes through. Same as @lostinspacepart2 (hope I spelt that correctly) reports. I did describe my problem in detail in my first post, but no techie came around to help.
Years ago I remember having the same problem on Symbian devices. I was working for a mobile operator then, and our Internet connection was over satellite, which was terribly slow. When I asked our IT department for logs from our Internet gateway server, I could see that OM timed out before the IP address of whatever server it was trying to 'phone home' to could be resolved. Changing DNS settings on the phone to one of the root DNS servers saved the day back then. That is why I started messing with DNS settings this time.
P.S.: and @rabindroy is just a spammer (an irrelevant post with an irrelevant link). I was going to say this lousy forum doesn't even have a 'flag' feature, but then I noticed a grey gear icon on grey background. Given Opera team's response speed, I doubt these posts will ever be taken down, though.