latest version of opera with bookmark manager
phuongus4305 last edited by
hi guys i wanted to update my version of opera (12.17) to a more update one. However, opera 22 and 20 which I've tried before did not have a good book mark manager tab which i use a lot. is there a stable version of opera which has the manager that i need? i need to switch to a more updated version of opera because I am experiencing a difficulty with my INTERNET disconnecting and once it get reconnected the browser will not load any pages until i do a full restart of the program.
lem729 last edited by
I think Chrookmarks for Chrome is quite good as a Bookmarks Manager,
It's the Bookmarks Manager I'm currently using. Another possiblity I've tried and liked is: Neater Bookmarks,
Play around a bit with them both,and decide which you prefer.
Either of these bookmark manager extensions will give you, when you click on the extension icon, a nice vertical display of your bookmarks. Indeed, you might even find that with them, you can save space and not show the Personal Bookmarks Bar (which takes up space horizontally across the top of the browser) although that's a matter of taste there. To activate the Personal Bookmarks Bar you need to go Alt. P (Settings), and put a dot in show the bookmarks bar.
To download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension,
or Extension Source Viewer,
One last idea. I do think you might want to download the Opera extension Add Bookmark,
as it makes taking a bookmark easier,including clicking on the star in the Address bar to add a book mark, and placing the bookmark in a folder. You can also access that star in the context menu (right click on the web page), though from there you don't get the option to place the bookmark in a folder. You have to do that separately.
Best of luck, and let us know if you need any more help on this.
blackbird71 last edited by
@phunongus4305, just in case it's not clear, there is currently no Opera 2x.xx version that has the built-in bookmark manager you describe. You will currently need to add an extension to those Opera versions to get the functionality as described so well by @lem729. Perhaps that will suffice you while you wait to see what future Opera versions might hold in store?
eldani last edited by
You're a credit to this forum by being so helpful with content and links, lem729. Thanks for your efforts.
But I have to say that none of these bookmark extensions for Chrome-based browsers can even remotely compare to the ease of use of Opera's former bookmark handling. It's a totally different concept which does little for me. When I'm browsing I want a permanent side-bar - because so few websites even today offer a true wide-screen layout, so why should I waste space, when I can instead display useful information? When I'm managing my hundreds of bookmarks I want a dedicated window or tab instead of the small pop-up (which always closes itself when out of focus). I know that no Chromium-based browser has a sidebar, but if anyone knows about a full-page bookmark manager I would appreciate a mention.
In this I have found the Firefox browser a decent alternative to Opera 12, because it offers not only a sidebar (and some good extensions for that) but also a bookmarks library in a dedicated window.
lem729 last edited by
Thanks on the kind word, eldani, as it's much appreciated. On your substantive comments, we all realize must realize at this point that Opera Blink has had to be reprogrammed from scratch, and the change to Blink (to give us the faster browser, the one more capable of accessing a wider range of sites than the old Opera) is only about a year along. Also, one must be fair and recall that the Opera developers only very recently decided that they needed to add the bookmarks bar. For quite a while they thought the Speed Dial with folders along with, I guess, Stash, could take the place of bookmarks. But receiving feedback from their users, they have moved in the right direction. It is clear that they will be adding more to support bookmarks in the future.
Even right now, I don't at all feel handicapped. With the right bookmark manager extension (and I listed a couple good ones, which give a nice vertical window to manage your bookmarks), and maybe something like the extension, Add Bookmark, one can do quite well in Opera 22. Remember that the Speed Dial with folders is a huge, spectacular, quite attractive resource for saving bookmarks/favorites, and that feature is unique to Opera 22. Nothing closely resembling it was available in the old Opera, which has a much more primitive Speed Dial. And Stash is a nice feature in Opera 22 to save things too (that might not rise to the level of a bookmark, but are deserving of a later look -- also not available in the old Opera. So Opera 22 -- in its present state of becoming -- can IMHO still do quite well in comparison to Opera Presto when it comes to saving favorites.
eldani last edited by
On your substantive comments, we all realize must realize at this point that Opera Blink has had to be reprogrammed from scratch, and the change to Blink (to give us the faster browser, the one more capable of accessing a wider range of sites than the old Opera) is only about a year along.
I'm a developer myself although in a different field, so I understand the required time for a reboot like that perfectly well. That said, the time to familiarize oneself with a different code-base is usually a matter of weeks, especially if you're employed to do that stuff full-time. After that, you can start writing productive code.
Also, one must be fair and recall that the Opera developers only very recently decided that they needed to add the bookmarks bar. For quite a while they thought the Speed Dial with folders along with, I guess, Stash, could take the place of bookmarks. But receiving feedback from their users, they have moved in the right direction. It is clear that they will be adding more to support bookmarks in the future.
They were aware of it from the first day of the public beta. If you had read the shitstorm in the dozens of pages of the developer's blog back then, you would have instinctively taken cover to be safe from flying objects. I'm only half-kidding when I say this, because the devs acknowledged the discontent of many users even before Opera 15 was officially released. Someone from the company even offered in a post on his (personal) blog to create a list of the most important features the new browser was missing. The number of times bookmarks was mentioned surprised no-one.
Frankly, the response of the Opera development team has had me concerned for a while now. When they were first faced with the backlash against their removal of the bookmarks system, it took them a full 245 days from May 28th (Opera 15 Beta) to October 24th (Opera 19 Final) (149 days) to add back a feature, which had been present in Chromium/Blink already! This is a development speed, which can easily be matched and surpassed by non-profit, non-commercial and even hobby projects. I'm not only talking about Mozilla and its Firefox here, but also other browsers like [QupZilla](" target="_blank) or [Otter Browser](" target"_blank).
Even right now, I don't at all feel handicapped. With the right bookmark manager extension (and I listed a couple good ones, which give a nice vertical window to manage your bookmarks), and maybe something like the extension, Add Bookmark, one can do quite well in Opera 22.
I'm very glad for you. My parents and sister use Google Chrome and are very happy with it, so I'm sure they'd adore the new Opera as well. It isn't that the browser is bad, because even I find many things likeable about it, but it doesn't fit my requirements the way every Opera until version 12 did. The possibility to adapt it with extensions is too limited unfortunately. Yes I can have a bookmarks extension, but it is one more icon of many I need in the address bar and as soon as the dropdown-popup loses its focus, it disappears again. That is no way for me to work efficiently, not when I am constantly switching between tabs, while maintaining my bookmark collection.
Remember that the Speed Dial with folders is a huge, spectacular, quite attractive resource for saving bookmarks/favorites, and that feature is unique to Opera 22. Nothing closely resembling it was available in the old Opera, which has a much more primitive Speed Dial.
This was a great idea by Opera, no doubt about it. I began using it when it appeared in, I believe, Opera 9. But the fact of the matter is, that it has been available elsewhere for many years. I've been using the [Super Start](" target="_blank) extension for my Firefox, which mimics the Opera Speed Dial perfectly, but even before that I knew about Speed Dial clones for other browsers. The one thing Super Start doesn't support are the speed dial extensions Opera 12 once had, like unread mails in your GMail account for example, but I don't even know if they still work in Opera 15+.
And Stash is a nice feature in Opera 22 to save things too (that might not rise to the level of a bookmark, but are deserving of a later look -- also not available in the old Opera. So Opera 22 -- in its present state of becoming -- can IMHO still do quite well in comparison to Opera Presto when it comes to saving favorites.
I can agree on that, at least partially. For a casual user the different ways to bookmark web pages are great, but neither of the three systems offer much depth, which is definitely important if you're a power user.
The way I see it: Stash is for those websites you bookmark on a lark, either because they're interesting for a short while, or because you were interrupted before you could finish reading the page, or for many other reasons why a short-term save to an unsorted list is good enough. The Speed Dial is perfect for one or two dozen of the most used bookmarks, those pages of yours which you visit daily or even more often. The SD is a truly great concept, because you have a visual representation of the website or a logo thereof, and access to a website can be done in as little as two mouse clicks from anywhere in the browser.
But - and for me that's the essential part - both Stash and Speed Dial have huge drawbacks if you're dealing with a larger number of links. SD allows no nested folders, it doesn't support sorting of any kind and if you have more than 20 links in one folder, you already need to scroll. If you're an extensive bookmarks user like me, then the bookmarks bar is the only thing that works and even then, it's not a very good implementation. Both the bookmark managing and their display in the old Opera 12 was way superior to any alternative in any currently developed browser.
lem729 last edited by
@eldani said: "The one thing Super Start doesn't support are the speed dial extensions Opera 12 once had, like unread mails in your GMail account for example, but I don't even know if they still work in Opera 15+."
You can put gmail in the Opera 22 Speed Dial, though I prefer to use use gmail from the icon bar. I do use YouTube for the Speed Dial, and Stumble Upon for Speed Dial (the later of which is super changing display every five seconds. I also have a National Geographic photo of the day in the Speed Dial, and I understand the developer is working on a photo slide show from National Geographic for the Speed Dial. There are also RSS feeds for the Speed Dial, though I don't use them there. Now, I have Super Start on Firefox, and do appreciate it as quite good, though I prefer Opera's. I think it's more polished, has a search engine of the speed dial (which Super Start lacks), is generally more flexible, makes it easier/more convenient to put your photos in the Speed Dial), though in some areas Super Start does things (like placeholders, so photos aren't blotted out) that I might put in the suggestion box for Opera. Also Super Start seems to lack the live content in the Speed Dial, that Opera has, and will be having more of.
eldani said: "The way I see it: Stash is for those websites you bookmark on a lark, either because they're interesting for a short while, or because you were interrupted before you could finish reading the page, or for many other reasons why a short-term save to an unsorted list is good enough."
Yes, there are a lot of times, I want to save something to look back at it. Ultimately I may bookmark it, but for the moment, I want a chance to more fully digest it. Having something for a short term quick hold has its merits. Also, you can have a lot there and still locate it because Opera lets you use the Search Bar when you are in Stash Mode to find items in the Stash -- and the search is more than titles, but covers a fair amount of content in the items.
eldani said: "The Speed Dial is perfect for one or two dozen of the most used bookmarks, those pages of yours which you visit daily or even more often."
1 or 2 dozen. No way. Maybe that's Opera's 12s Speed Dial. With the folders in the Opera Speed Dial, I have close to 80 favorites in the Speed Dial, and it's only taking up 1/2 a page, so the photo art I have as wallpaper is still awesome. (With Opera 15, 20 items would bury the wallpaper and ruin the aesthetics). Now because of the convenience of the Opera 22 Speed Dial, it's what I go to most of the time when I'm browsing. This Speed Dial with folders is an extremely attractively platform for putting one favorites. I don't recommend putting tons (I mean my 60-100 is modest there),d because then you bury and make useless (cover it all up) the wallpaper. I like to have a very healthy collection, but where the wallpaper is still attractive. I also like that I can right click on a Speed Dial folder, and get an option to open everything in it in one shot. For certain subject areas that's great. (By the way that's a feature also lacking in Super Start: you cannot open everything in a Speed Dial folder with one click).
eldani said: "But - and for me that's the essential part - both Stash and Speed Dial have huge drawbacks if you're dealing with a larger number of links. SD allows no nested folders, it doesn't support sorting of any kind and if you have more than 20 links in one folder"
Well, I didn't see what you characterize as a huge drawback, unless the Speed Dial were the only bookmarking vehicle. But it's not. Now you can drag the thumbnails in a folder in the order you want to organize them. And also, notice that you have a search bar right in the Speed Dial folder to help find things in the folder. That's useful if you have tons of thumbnails in one folder. (By the way, Opera limits the thumbnails that show in the folder -- before you open the folder -- to four, so the thumbnails that do show look good/attractive on the Speed Dial page. Super Start shows all the folders in the folder (before you actually click on and open the folder) so the display in the speed dial, where you have a lot of items in a folder, look bad -- too many small/tiny thumbnails. As to the fact that you can't nest folders in the Speed Dial, it might have been a big deal before Opera also moved to the bookmarks bar. Since you can nest in the bookmarks bar -- and rather easily with Bookmark Managers like Chrookmarks for Chrome and Neater Bookmarks -- I don't miss the lacking of the "nesting ability" in the speed dial. I don't want to use the speed dial for super complexity. I might have 10 items in some folders, but not more. For super-complexity I use the Bookmarks bar with the Extension Manager.
eldani said: "Both the bookmark managing and their display in the old Opera 12 was way superior to any alternative in any currently developed browser." If you're comparing only the bookmarks bar, and the way taking a bookmark is implement, or the Import feature from other browsers, I agree with you. I just think you can't exclude the Speed Dial and Stash from the big picture. And with them there, for me, Opera 22 makes me more than happy. In the balance, I personally prefer it. The Speed Dial for a very healthy showing of favorites you go to most often -- maybe 60 to 100 -- without impairing the wallpaper, aesthetics, etc. The bookmarks bar for a lot of the detailed stuff. You know the best is not necessarily the most. That's a failing of our society, where we are constantly grasping for more, whether in features, or possessions. I mean, even a austerity of a Japanese rock garden can be wonderful. There is something to be said for a thoroughly pleasing interface. Give me something thoroughly attractive, and I find Opera 22 like that, and I can forgive a lot of purportedly missing features, and for other features, smiles, and say give the developer time (because I'm right now, happy). Still, I am hoping
for a few additions on bookmarking, bookmark import managers, and some other things. I don't hesitate to post for my wish list (and sometimes I go to extension developers and ask them for help with extensions).
Look, don't get the wrong idea. I enjoyed Opera Presto for many years. Nothing I have said should in any way be taken as a disparagement of that browser. It's just that for me, the new Opera is a different browser, that brings me a lot of pleasure.
persilvertech last edited by
I FINALLY feel like Opera is actually usable now, for the first time since version 12.16! I had continued to use the version for quite a long time, but my internet security had given me all kinds of warnings the last I tried to use it. I've been using Opera since version...way back when it had to be purchased, and the 'upgrades' have made it to be completely unusable for my purposes.
Thanks again!
I think Chrookmarks for Chrome is quite good as a Bookmarks Manager,
It's the Bookmarks Manager I'm currently using. Another possiblity I've tried and liked is: Neater Bookmarks,
Play around a bit with them both,and decide which you prefer.
Either of these bookmark manager extensions will give you, when you click on the extension icon, a nice vertical display of your bookmarks. Indeed, you might even find that with them, you can save space and not show the Personal Bookmarks Bar (which takes up space horizontally across the top of the browser) although that's a matter of taste there. To activate the Personal Bookmarks Bar you need to go Alt. P (Settings), and put a dot in show the bookmarks bar.
To download a Chrome extension easily, you need the Opera extension, called Download Chrome Extension,
or Extension Source Viewer,
One last idea. I do think you might want to download the Opera extension Add Bookmark,
as it makes taking a bookmark easier,including clicking on the star in the Address bar to add a book mark, and placing the bookmark in a folder. You can also access that star in the context menu (right click on the web page), though from there you don't get the option to place the bookmark in a folder. You have to do that separately.
Best of luck, and let us know if you need any more help on this.