Opera 22 beta
linuxmint7 last edited by
Apparently I cannot edit my own post ...
It is possible, you just have to refresh/reload the page and then the cog will become active again. Currently, this has to be done every time one wishes to edit ones posts.
A Former User last edited by
Why my post was removed?
Bug... It's not in the moderation list.there is one more cherry on this cake. You can now use swipe gestures in tab manager to remove or reopen tabs.
Yeayyyyyyy! Thanks!
You forgot another new small thing too. There's a new "Reopen closed tab" option in the tabs overflow menu. -
A Former User last edited by
Why my post was removed?
Bug... It's not in the moderation list.
Okay then :), what is moderation list?
Repeating what I had said: the new version is a lot smoother than the previous. Swipe up to close tabs is awesome -
A Former User last edited by
I'm referring to a dashboard only mods have access to.
Nice new fading effects in this version...
tufan last edited by
opera 22 beta on 4.2.2 samsung galaxy tab 2
- gps not working in a normal way i got network geolocation disabled on my tablet . when i activate
gps and try to use it beta doesnt seem to use gps cause no notification on statusbar appears .
but on opera 21 no problem like this.
- ui is much better.
+flawless scrolling ..
- gps not working in a normal way i got network geolocation disabled on my tablet . when i activate
grzejnik32 last edited by
after update I look into "What's new section" and I see that's nothing was change. so why you give update?
A Former User last edited by
The first post of this topic says what changed, can't you see?
There's a new version available in the Play Store, a second 22 beta (first was 22.0.1485.76864 described in this topic, now it's 22.0.1485.77408), no changelog is available for this new one until now. -
sunstream last edited by
There is a number of sites where fit-to-screen option won't work. The font is tiny, impossible to read. You can zoom in, of course, but that gives you constant horizontal scroll, and the page keeps jumping from left to right and backwards if you move your finger slightly to the side when scrolling down. Is there a way to change the default font size, so that the page could be opened in a comfortable view at once? It's okay if this options is buried in some dev-only-use-at-your-own-risk menu, I'm used to them.
martintangsl last edited by
I found the swipe up gesture for tab a bit annoying. When scrolling across tabs in classic view with 1 hand holding the phone, it easily closes a tab.
A Former User last edited by
Hi guys,
we did release a new beta build, but I was a bit out of grid to notify you about it.
Plus, we only did one minor
change to off-road mode... now all the data passing through it should be better encrypted than ever.