Let's get right down to it, Opera Devs: Where, on God's green earth, are BOOKMARKS??
werewolf last edited by
Same here! Who needs another Chrome clone? I have over 4,000 bookmarks and I click on them all the time. I want them on a permanently open list on the left, like Opera 12, which I'm still using, and Firefox, still have.
A Former User last edited by
First of all apologize for my English.
I do not understand why in all clones of chrome not there yet any developer who has made a sidepanel for bookmarks, is because the browser engine? API? The sidepanel is very necessary, almost essential.
lem729 last edited by
You might want to look at the Chrome extension Sidewise.
And here's an extension called Bookmarks Side Panel in the Chrome store.
These products may not be ready for prime time yet, but I wanted you to see that panels are being worked on.
A Former User last edited by
You might want to look at the Chrome extension Sidewise.
And here's an extension called Bookmarks Side Panel in the Chrome store.
These products may not be ready for prime time yet, but I wanted you to see that panels are being worked on.The first one is for the tabs, not for the bookmarks, is a lateral external panel, but the idea is good. The second does not work for a long long time.
Chromium, Chrome, SRWare Iron, Chropera, CoolNovo, Comodo, Superbird, ect... none includes something as essential and practical as the side panel of bookmarks, is more, CoolNovo has retired recently and was due to incompatibility with the browser ¿¿¿???
colderwinters last edited by
Jrista, you can have full bookmarks in the new Opera, Dont expect the Devs to do everything for you, sometimes you have to do it yourself, I have full bookmarks in opera 20, has everything you mentioned except that they probably arent searchable. I mentioned in other areas of these forums how to get the full bookmarks, and you dont need any other extension other than the bookmarks manager, you'll probably need a sorter, mine were exported as HTML presorted before importing to the new Opera, heres screenshots proving you can have full bookmarks in the latest Opera 20
mythra last edited by
Hi everyone,
First of all I apologize for my English.
I was reading some posts and threads, particularly relating to bookmarks. Personally I could understand the choice of developers to delete the typical bookmarks in favor of speed dial (if it's seen as a new version/view of them), but in this case there MUST BE a tool to import and manage the old bookmarks in newer version of Opera.
However, I think that the bookmarks are just one of more and more problems in these latest versions: obviously I'm not referring to the problems of navigation in itself, but in the last 10 (and more) years I've chose Opera for its excellent U.I. and the ability to customize maybe everything, two things that I missed in the latest versions!!
Over the years I have never been disappointed by the new versions, especially from the point of view of the new features: speed dial and tab-grouping (and many other features) have become indispensable in my daily use both at work and at home, but I think that from version 20 there was a big step back.
I do not know if this forum is read by developers or by the management, but I hope that in the next versions, Opera return to be Opera and not a bad copy of Chrome or Firefox
jogosfriv last edited by
Welcome bookmarks bar is just not as convenient as the old marking system. thank you.
lem729 last edited by
You might try -- if you haven't already -- a bookmarks manager extension, like Chrookmarks for Chrome, or Tidy Bookmarks for Chrome. They make the bookmarks bar easier to organize. With Chrookmarks you can organize it alphabetically and chronologically in ascending and in descending order. You do not have to do your bookmarking in the Speed dial. You can have a more traditional bookmarking exoerience. To use a chrome extension from the Chrome store, all you need is the Opera extension, "Download Chrome Extension."
duncanwilliams last edited by
I use a lot of browsers but am presently using Opera Next as primary. I got sick of updating and saving, copying, syncing and messing up my bookmarks. I established my current bookmarks (about 200) in Draggo and bookmarked that as bookmarks on the bookmark tab. It's the same with all other browsers I use. I switch off bookmarks in all browsers and have 1 set that can be updated, used and integrates with all devices and browsers. Draggo ( http://draggo.com ) - I like it now, Speed dial - stash - bookmarks - evernote - keep | everything sorted, synced and running locally whilst keeping security at a max.
convergencecos last edited by
Where / How can we contact Opera developers?
We recently upgraded computers in our office - Old computers still have Opera 12.17 - New computers have Opera 21.0 - Big change. Big Shock. Big loss of productivity without a lotof features once in Opera 12.17 -
We'd just like to compile a list of features lost from v12.17 in hopes development will reconsider and add them back.
Thank you.
lem729 last edited by
Compile a list of the feature that you used and want -- not a list in the abstract. Then you need to see if the features can be approximated via extension, by looking at what's available in the Opera add-on store, and Chrome web store for extensions. In doing that, you may discuss things via extension that help the Office, and were not available in Opera 12.17. Only when you are certain that you cannot replicate a feature that you need, or work around it can you productively address the developers (of Opera, or better yet, of extensions) with your real needs. The list of extensions grow when developers understand what the real need it. Some of what you want may not at all need to be added to the basic browser. Best of luck to you, convergencecos.
linuxmint7 last edited by
@convergencecos, If you are happy to go back to using Opera 12.17 on your new machines, because of the loss of functionality that the new version of Opera seems to have for your needs, you can find the older version from the official link below. Assuming you are using Windows.
tentamak last edited by
For what it's worth, I don't like the bookmarks system either.
I wish it was simplified and I could have a file for recipes, for grandkids, for gardening, for political, games, etc., and then had a choice/option when I book mark which file I want to send a book mark to.
I have hundreds of bookmarks and it's always a hassle to find a particular one. I find the pages I want by the picture icon easier than reading them.
I really wish bookmarks would give me an easy option to send particular pages to particular files based on subject/content.
I do like speed dial but now it's getting crowded. -
lem729 last edited by
I use bookmark manager extension Neater Bookmarks,
and with it whenever I make a bookmark, it essentially asks me to set up the folder I want to put it in (via an easy option). It has a drop down menu with all the folders I have with bookmarks, and I just click where I want to put the new bookmark. -
lem729 last edited by
You can have what you want. But you need to make some general folders in subject areas that work for you. You right click on an empty space at the end of the personal bookmarks bar, and choose "add folder." Now in creating the folder, you can name it. You can have a folder, called, "grandkids." Then make another one called "gardening." Make another called "politics." Make a fourth one for "games." I'm just using these as examples. You can name them as you want. Now these folders you have just created are sitting on your personal bookmarks bar empty. Now drag your bookmarks in each of the subject areas to these folders. All the bookmarks you have relating to grandkids, you drag with the mouse to the "grandkids" folder. If you do that with all the folders, pretty soon, you are organized.
Once you have the folders, that extension, Neater Bookmarks (that I mentioned in my last post) can help a bit, when you create new bookmarks, because it will present a list of all of your folders -- the ones you have created -- and all you have to do is put the new bookmark you just took in the folder that you want. It's not essential though. I took a closer look at your last post, and I think you haven't been creating folders in subject areas, and it's easy enough to do. It's also essential or one gets overwhelmed by too many bookmarks.
werewolf last edited by
The good old Opera, like v. 12.17 that I'm still using, was/is extra nice because it has the feature where you can click the far left side of the screen to instantly and easily open or close the bookmark panel on the left. I don't want to waste screen space with a permanently open bookmark bar.
What's going on? Suddenly all the good browsers are getting trashed. Firefox just the same, with the awful v.29.
lem729 last edited by
You don't need a permanently open Bookmarks bar in Opera 21. Get a bookmarks manager extension like Neater Bookmarks, that gives you a drop down of the bookmarks, when you click on the extension icon. As for the Personal bookmarks bar, just go alt P, and take the dot out of show the Bookmarks. Now you have a minimal interface. If you worry about making a bookmark, use the Opera extension, Add bookmark, which puts a star in the address bar to make the bookmark, if you want. Or it's easy to put the bookmarks bar back for an instant if you need it -- just Alt P and put the dot back in. It's practically a toggle. Alt P and take it out. Alt P and put it back for the moment you want to see it. Remember, just clicking on the icon manager extension lets you see the vertical bookmarks in a drop-down vertical display. Most of the time that's all you need.
werewolf last edited by
That sounds so complicated - and I also want a permanently open panel on the left showing all my bookmarks with all the folders and subfolders - will going through all those hoops get me that back? - just the way it always used to be - but one that I can easily add new bookmarks to, or delete old ones - and yet can easily be removed to clear up screen space and then put back again, preferably by a simple motion of the mouse rather than the keyboard - just the way it used to be. In other words what I have now with my Opera 12.17 - and Comodo Ice Dragon has it too (CID is like the real Firefox as opposed to the dumbed down Chrome-clone new model, analogous to Opera).
lem729 last edited by
Very simple, not complicated, but it's not a permanently open panel. You have to click on the extension icon to open it. I use Firefox, as a backup, and there I have a nice side-panel extension for the old Opera look. But I've come to learn I don't crave it. The side-panel is an addiction like heroin.
I went cold turkey awhile. And compared to Firefox, and Presto, the new Opera is leaner and faster. Varoooooooooom! Why, it could run circles around Secretariat.
werewolf last edited by
Ha ha! OK, I'm trying out the new Opera 21 now - b-b-but i have over 4,000 bookmarks!