How many registration will be needed to use all the Opera services?
zapfod last edited by
Dear Opera team,
I just saw that my opera forum account could not be used to give my feedback in Opera Desktop Team blog and have to use 'disqus', 'google' etc instead. So, one account for the forum, another one to use the above mentioned blog, third one to change the avatar here using Gravatar, still no working synchronization with the opera (and any other) account - then how many registration do you envisage to have an user be able to use all the services that were previously accessible with one opera profile only? I am definitely not in favor to make a special google account and hopefully this is not the intention of yours.
KR -
A Former User last edited by
I just hit "Post comment", and all I had was disappearance of the text in the editing area...
Let me try hitting "Preview" first... -
A Former User last edited by
Well, were there talking about Discus here?
I just experienced some...
One of my mailboxes seemed to be already reserved by an account there (and I seem to remember using it), and additionally, I tried to (or even did) create another one. So what do you think?
I can't seem to log in with nor recover password for either of them.