iCloud Passwords extension
patrickkrs last edited by
@j-op Which extension did you use for authentificator app? I would love to skip installing iCloud on my pc since I got a macbook which should be enough.
redzacke last edited by
Re: iCloud Passwords extension
Step 1:
install "iCloud Passwords" in "Google Chrome".Step 2:
Locate the "Extensions" folder of "Google Chrome".
For me it isC:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions
Step 3:
there you will see lot of folders with strange names. Each folder is a Chrome extension. You need to look through these folders. They usually contain an "images" folder. Look for the iCloud-Key image files: PasswordsExtensionIcon_32.png
my iCloud extension was named like this:.\pejdijmoenmkgeppbflobdenhhabjlaj\2.1.21_0\images
If you find the iCloud key image files in your extesion folder, you have successfully identyfied the correct extension folder.
Step 4:
Your folder will first contain a folder with the name of its version number.\pejdijmoenmkgeppbflobdenhhabjlaj\2.1.21_0
Copy this folder to any location.
Step 5:
Launch the "Opera" browser and goto: opera://extensions/Step 6:
turn on the "developer mode"Step 7:
Now you can load your previously saved extension folder by clicking "load extended (or unzipped) extension" button -
icebluelugia last edited by
@redzacke Tried this and it didn’t work sadly. I installed it but it threw up some gallery error and the extension just doesn’t recognize the iCloud app. Is there really no way to get this working on browsers besides Edge/Chrome?
j-op last edited by
@patrickkrs said in iCloud Passwords extension:
@j-op Which extension did you use for authentificator app?
I am using the official Microsoft Authenticator extension from the Chrome Store.
Karthurai last edited by
@icebluelugia it worked for me by just doing what @knownasWoolf said and then just re-opening opera gx
icebluelugia last edited by
@karthurai Maybe the iCloud Keychain extension is broken because I just tried it on Edge and Chrome and got the same error. Wonder if it's somehow related to me putting off those Windows updates.
Cadenpalmtree last edited by
@j-op It worked for me just fine, I downloaded the chrome extension through opera and when it opened, I put in the code, refreshed the page, and it worked.
j-op last edited by
@cadenpalmtree I tried it again and this time it worked. I assume they've updated either iCloud for Windows, the Chrome extension or both and that has resolved the issue.
Sidenote: To get the iCloud Passwords App inside of iCloud for Windows to sync my passwords I had to log out and log in again.
Thanks for pointing out that it worked for you!
As I said earlier, I switched over to Microsoft Authenticator on all my devices but it's good to know that I have iCloud available as a fallback solution. -
DennisJB last edited by
Hi i tried this aswell but couldnt get it to work, dont know if i do it wrong ? i extracted the extension folder and saved it on another location, but when i go to extensions and "dev" i only get the button "upload new addon" and when i click that button i can only upload 1 file and not the folder. Am i missing something ?
gleester last edited by
Not sure if this may help, but I had to disable my antivirus protection before I could get the iCloud for windows app to enable password and keychains.
It's still not seemless though -- the browser forms do not autofill username/passwords, but it does trigger the extension and allow you choose "Manage Passwords..." with icloud and then copy/paste into the username and password fields.