OLD IS GOLD, we want new opera with all old stuff
vedicaudio last edited by
So I finally tried installing v12.14 and the first site it crashed on was this very website: the Opera forums.
I guess sometimes you just can't win. Maybe I'll just stop browsing the internet completely. Seems to cause too many headaches these days. -
blackbird71 last edited by
So I finally tried installing v12.14 and the first site it crashed on was this very website: the Opera forums.
I guess sometimes you just can't win. ...Was it the 32 or the 64-bit form of 12.14? I do know there have been many reports that the 64-bit Opera versions seem to show more instability than the 32-bit forms later in the Presto series. Personally, I don't recall ever crashing 12.14, 32-bit on an Opera website - ever. In fact, I've only encountered a 12.14 crash on any site just a couple of times, and those were sites that users were reporting as crashing the browser. In my case, I'm using Win7-64 bit, which could be a factor.
Another thing to consider is to make sure the 12.14 installation goes into a differently-named folder than any earlier Opera version. Installing a new version into the same-named folder as a prior Opera installation will auto-import intentionally left-behind Opera user files into the new installation, and if there's something in those left-behind files that's corrupted or set to an unstable state, that problem will get carried into the new installation as well.
salonpas23 last edited by
[Please don't post the same comment all over the forums and also don't hijack non related topics. ]
blackbird71 last edited by
Please don't post the same comment all over the forums and also don't hijack non related topics. ]
@salonpas23, it would help avoid confusion if you indicate to whom you're directing your comments. Put their name behind an ampersand symbol at the start of your message... here and in other threads.
nightmaresoul last edited by
I would love for Opera to bring back all of the features for 12.16 that browser was and still is a god send.
lem729 last edited by
Nothing to bring back. 12.16 is still there. But everything has a cost. In Opera blink you could load Opera 20, for example, with features and slow it down. I think the idea is to not do that, leave the features to extensions, and leave it to the user to decide whether the feature is worth the cost.
Now to use Opera 12.16, and save Opera 20 for those difficult sites is not a terrible thing. Keep both browsers active. I go the other way, because I prefer the new features in Opera 20, but I still have Opera 12.16 loaded and ready to go.
Deleted User last edited by
I think the idea is to not do that, leave the features to extensions, and leave it to the user to decide whether the feature is worth the cost.
I think this is the best interpretation of the situation. Build your browser by adding whatever features you wish via extensions. For me that includes three and three only.
lem729 last edited by
You only have three extensions? Yipes. I have a modest 20.
Care to share with us what 3 are soooooo good you had to take them.
Deleted User last edited by
Oops. I just checked and there are four: Adblock, Ghostery, Lastpass and Pocket.
fungi-lives last edited by
The thing I noticed about these posts are the opinions about Opera both pro and con... with one glaring exception:
This leushino person is telling people how to think and act. Just pointing his finger and demanding how you should think.
Everybody is discussing Opera. He just likes to beat people up. Not sure how that is acceptable behavior on this forum.
I also posted here last night mentioning my opinion of the person and it somehow "magically" disappeared.
How is that possible? Gotta be a connection between leushino and the moderators. How else can this happen??
blackbird71 last edited by
... I also posted here last night mentioning my opinion of the person and it somehow "magically" disappeared.
How is that possible? Gotta be a connection between leushino and the moderators. How else can this happen??Frankly, I'm not familiar with the missing post in question. But if it was moderated away, it can happen for a
number of reasons, depending on what was said, how it was said, or whether it was completely off-topic for the thread it was in. Direct personal attacks are generally forbidden on nearly all forums; inflammatory or foul language often is as well. A good rule of thumb is that when the primary subject of a post is complaining to the world about another poster (or the moderator), it is moving dangerously close to forbidden territory. If the post's wording is inflammatory as well, it has crossed deeply into such territory. -
Deleted User last edited by
Ah... am I really so influential that poor you can't possibly make rational decisions for yourself? Here's a suggestion: ignore me. I on the other hand will counter lies, bullying, ridicule, false information, whining and complaining. You see... I happen to love Opera and I've been with the browser since 1999 and a member of the former community since 2003. Now if you don't like the feature set, post in the Dev blogs and make suggestions there. Whining here will achieve nothing. If on the other hand you can actually help someone by providing positive information, then by all means... stay.