General Opera One Feedback Topic
Nikopol1821 last edited by
I have settings for Wallet stuff I dont use, AI stuff I dont want but cant decide what my standard search engine is? Instead I have to type in some code stuff every time that doesnt work for me to use the search engine of my choice? I find this very hard to use and I dont get it, its way easier in all other browsers I used before since they simply give you the option to type in your own standard search engine unlike Opera.
Also the settings for how a new tab should behave are very limited? I can set up what site Opera shows when I start the browser (not even a new window counts I have to quit Opera completely and re-open it) but not what site I want when opening a new tab? I dont want to close the whole browser to have "quick" access to my most visited site and the quick access tiles are nice but really just fancy bookmarks, quicker would be - like in every other browser again - just let me edit what site to show when opening a new tab?I dont know if im missing literally everything in the settings where you can actually edit all these things or are they just not available in Opera which I find hard to believe, such a fancy browser (honestly) but this pretty common basic settings stuff is missing? I really would like to use Opera and hope im just missing something or misunderstand the settings. Would appreciate it if someone could help me.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nikopol1821 It's been a while that browsers no longer have a "home page" that is loaded every time you open a new tab.
Also, Opera doesn't allow changing new tab page. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nikopol1821 Regarding search engines, as known only the pre-defined ones can be set as the default search engine.
It was said that it is for security reasons back on the time it was introduced.
Probably it's also to try to avoid loss of revenue. -
ToKkHi last edited by
I am gonna stop using opera. I downloaded it because chrome used too much ram but when I started using opera, the difference between these two were obvious. Chrome is definitely more comfortable to use.For example, when you close the last tab on chrome it also closes the chrome itself but it doesnt happen on opera. I get it a lot of people uses that way but still this is not a new issue nor I am the only one who wanted to use it.They could have at least put a setting for it. Or when you import history,passwords etc. they dont work like they should.Or the mobile browser and the windows browser doesnt even sync like the chrome not history not bookmarks, you have to do it all for the mobile app too.After all,I dont like chrome but with excluding the ram issue chrome is better than opera in any way.
Denizen976 last edited by
I recently tried to migrate from my pervious Opera One to Opera One GX ... Because...
- Let's you limit amount of ram taken up,
Haven't tested yet - Let's you import bookmarks
Not on my computer - Let's you create profiles...
Pretty useless and awkward
I have moved the below content to here, because I was clotting up a post on Aria disappearing.
Transferred content:
I also updated to use Opera GX, on the thought that I could transfer over my existing windows and tabs, and be able to limit the amount of RAM that they take up. My results from that:-
I tried the concept of WorkSpaces in the original Opera One - I am less than satisfied. Spent a couple of hours trying to organize all of my tabs across 5 open windows, into themed workspaces in each window, then tried to move from that to each window having a single workspace. I lost workspaces in other windows, they didn't transfer correctly. Workspaces seemed associated with the original window, and when I thought I was cleaning out, moving to other workspaces in other windows, then closing the current window, it lost everything in the subsequent workspaces, and the tabs in that window, because: other windows are open, you've modded your session..
No luck trying to save/export the many tabs across 5 windows. No way to "save all tabs as bookmarks". The best you can do with "save all tabs as SpeedDial". I don't know what that does for tabs in separate workspaces, but I'm guessing that you have to visit each workspace in each windows, and save all tabs from that workspace into a speeddial.
There is NO good way to move contents of a speeddial into bookmarks.
I wound up pushing all tabs from all 5 windows into Speed Dial entries, figuring that was the way to save my window tab content.
External recovery MAY be possible: I basically have backed up files names "Tabs" and "Sessions", but it's approaching 8 MB of data, and I don't have the patience to go through it.
I exported all bookmarks, and speed dials, and PW info, etc. From the Bookmark TAB (vs side menu access), it says that I can export bookmarks, as well as Speed Dials, etc.
Import into Opera GX did not work, on any level. No sessions, no bookmarks, no speeddials... no PWs. Not happy, devs.
Opera GX is supposed to get you have "Profiles". It almost kinda sorta does, but not in any useful way. You can force separate profiles as separate Opera Links - but there's no way to go to a specific profile, or switch to another profile from w/in GX. You basically have to PIN each "profile" to your (Windows) Start Bar, to be able to access them. Basically, I have 5 pinned "O"'s taking up room on the task bar... There's not enough contrast between the icon colors,. If you hover over the icon, after a few seconds, it will have a pop=up that tells you what you named that "profile", but it's super tiny.
This is substandard design, substandard UI, and a substandard "features list" - as most of what I'm tried has failed, and I've lost work.
- Let's you limit amount of ram taken up,
SWK058 last edited by
@error-user-not-found On that bar nothing needs a second click.
DL to a other dir.
SWK058 last edited by
@denizen976 Thanks for honest end: I have brandnew 8core: if you don't use it: close it. Edge takes 700 mb RAM, plus edgeview etc, uninstall as much possible and close tabs/progs
Only browser with vpn!! -
Nikopol1821 last edited by
@leocg how could there be any reason at all opera not allowing their users to change new tab page? like its not a hard thing to do and i really dont see why they shouldnt allow that? seems like the opposite of user friendly and innovative
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nikopol1821 Not that difficult to think of a reason for them to not allow it.
Nikopol1821 last edited by
@leocg what is the reason then not allowing users to customise the browser in a useful way? i thought the devs want me to use their product why they make it so hard to use then? surprisingly useless answer for a mod btw
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nikopol1821 Probably the same why they don't allow you to set up a custom search engine as the default one.
Nikopol1821 last edited by
@leocg probably, so you dont know, okay. opera seem to have a lot of excuses for having useless functions which some you cant even disable and for not having functions that many consider standard for a browser, weird way for devs who want people to use their product but maybe thats just me.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nikopol1821 As an user, I can only make speculations about the reasons for Opera not allowing those things.
Officially, custom search engines stopped being allowed for security reasons, to avoid them being hijacked by malware. Searches are also the main source of revenue of a browser.
Leuchtfeuer812 last edited by
@nikopol1821 You can't set custom search engines as standard, but you can enable them, generally, and create a shortcut for the address bar like "e" for Ecosia for example.
Of course, it's not that convenient to type an "e" or whatever before your search item, but that's the way it is.
You can also set your custom search engine as your "home page".
For me personally, it's all and well to have DuckDuckGo in the selection, offered by Opera. I'd probably use Ecosia as well. Unfortunately it's not quite as straightforward to set Startpage as a custom engine or Brave, if you like. -
Jehoram last edited by
Great product! As a dedicated Chrome user, I can now say that it's better; except it can never be my main browser. Why I hear you cry! Because it does not support Roboform, it's a simple as that. And no, before you say, I don't work for Roboform.
dinesh12321 last edited by
I don't like to change the default browser without asking permission. Because, i already set for my preferance so you should not change the automatically without my permission. I think it's not legal.
Falt1 last edited by
Just installed opera-developer from the aur today, and I can say that there is only three reasons I cannot switch from my current browser. These three things are: No tab cycle mouse gesture(I use click upward for this), secondly no way to hide the url bar, and thirdly no way to hide tabs. I currently use vivaldi and I'm able to hide everything I don't need and I'm able to configure everything else through mouse gestures. I hope these features can be added to opera.
Rosa-Leeke last edited by
What are you doing Opera?
You seem to be, at the moment, the one browser that has “ads” on YouTube, stating all it’s great features etc. Now I ask you, is this a case of many things with “ads” on YouTube etc, blowing a trumpet but when it comes down to the niting gritty, it’s got gremlins and not all that great.
Try to import passwords (csv)!
Try syncing!
Try saving login details!
And shall we forget using it on our iPhones!?!I’ve been using Brave for ages and in reality, unless Opera can really sort these things out, I truly can’t see any reason to switch which is a pity.
Opera, get your act together!