So far, not impressed
lem729 last edited by
There's this Opera extension for duckduckgo
And there are Chrome extensions, if you do a search on the Chrome Web Store for DuckDuckGo. As long as you download and install the Opera Extension DownloadChromeExtension, you can use Chrome extensions. These are a few that might work for you. In particular DuckDuckGo for Chrome (According to the summary of it: A toolbar button is also added that gives you easy access to our search box) (so, you click the button and do a DuckDuckGo search) (sounds plausible.
I've used quite successfully a number of Chrome extensions, by intstalling the Opera Extension DownloadChromeExtension.
Keep in mind that Opera has only recently adopted the Blink engine (and is slowly building up browser features) (Of course Rome wasn't built in a day
so everything that everyone wants isn't instantly there, but more may well be there in the future with each new update.
Another idea. In the speed dial, put a DuckDuckGo search item. Perhaps, a link to this location:
Or use the Chrome extension DuckDuckGo homepage. It gives you a link to the DuckDuckGo search, there are many ways -- they say -- to skin a cat. Well, hmmm, perhaps, I should have said to "skin a duck." lol.
I've tried to help. These are a few ideas.
Deleted User last edited by
The best way to use duckduckgo, although it doesn't make it your default, is do download the extension duckduckgo for Opera. It doesn't really work as advertised, but it does put an icon on the top right hand corner of the top. Clicking it opens a search box for duckduckgo. That's something I could live with until it is fixed.
lem729 last edited by admin
I missed duckduckgo for Opera.
Glad that might might help. I don't know if duckduckgo for Chrome (which I did mention) is the same thing. Or if it does more. You can always uninstall if you decide to check it out, though because it is a Chrome extension, you would first need to install the Opera Extension "DownloadChromeExtension" to get it to work. In any event, good luck.
I did delete -- for myself -- the Google Search Bar from the speed dial. In case you want to get it out, it is not very hard to do it. A discussion of how to do it is here:
lem729 last edited by
I wanted to mention that if you do install that extension (from the Chrome Website) Disconnect Search, Duck Duck Go is one of the featured search engines :)))) And haven't we been talking about that in this thread.
They have Google, Bing, Yahoo, Blekko, AND last but not least, Duck Duck Go. Now the searchs from the toolbar they give you are much more private and protected than searches from the normal search bars, or from the Opera address. So you ought to try it. I'd say download the Disconnect extension from the Opera website, and Disconnect Search extension from the Chrome Store.
Deleted User last edited by
Thanks. I've been playing with Opera for a couple days now, and am gradually liking it more and more. It's Linux-y in that it doesn't come out of the box the way I like it. But it also isn't cluttered up with stuff I never use. MS IE is downright ponderous, so I've had to shelve using that. I've grown to LOVE the "Speed Dial" feature. I use it as a mini-bookmark section for the bookmarks I use 99% of the time.
Now, the task for Opera is to keep the strengths (simplicity, uncluttered and uncomplicated interface, features), and deliver a user friendly product that doesn't require Linux geekiness to reach a functional starting point for most consumers... and better documentation lol.
colderwinters last edited by
Thanks. I've been playing with Opera for a couple days now, and am gradually liking it more and more. It's Linux-y in that it doesn't come out of the box the way I like it. But it also isn't cluttered up with stuff I never use. MS IE is downright ponderous, so I've had to shelve using that. I've grown to LOVE the "Speed Dial" feature. I use it as a mini-bookmark section for the bookmarks I use 99% of the time.
Now, the task for Opera is to keep the strengths (simplicity, uncluttered and uncomplicated interface, features), and deliver a user friendly product that doesn't require Linux geekiness to reach a functional starting point for most consumers... and better documentation lol.It couldnt be further from Linux Geek Worthy, I've done linux many times, with the New Opera if you go into the windows registry, theres hardly anything there, absolutely nothing to tweak, If you expand the Opera install file using 7zip you'll find it's nothing more than a portable browser, you can actually run it from a USB Thumb drive, although it will stick stuff into your Users AppData folder if you use it that way regardless, you dont even need to install the New Opera to run it
Deleted User last edited by
You know, coldwater, you appear to be trolling in the forum. It's obvious you are not happy with the new browser so one has to ask: why are you here? If you need help with the browser, there are members here who are more than willing to give assistance. If you want to make suggestions for features you'd like to see returned or added, the Suggestion folder is probably more appropriate OR the developer blogs are even better. But if all you want to do is go from thread to thread undermining posters who happen to like the new browser, then really... you're simply trolling.
lem729 last edited by
Like you, bangorme, the speed dial is the feature that really grabs me. I have speed dial folders that for me cover a high percentage of the bookmarks i use, and beautiful wall paper that I rotate. It's just really delightful. I've always found IE BORING. Maybe ponderous -- your word -- is the better word. I have all the major browsers set up -- IE, Chrome, Forefox, and Opera 12.16, as well as Opera 20, but 20 now is the one i still like using -- my default.
You're right about the need for better documentation. I find myself having to write a summary to explain to a new user here in the forum what's going on that Opera has not adequately done. The same for their new Android browser and Coast for Ipad. it's always been a problem with Opera. Even in the golden heyday of Opera (when they charged), it wasn't user friendly or well explained, though I thought it -- once I worked it a bit -- awesome (thanks for sure also to help in the forum).
colderwinters last edited by
Actually Leushino, I have a right to post I have opera installed as it is my hobby tweaking software, and I just gave out a tip on how to use Opera as a portable browser, I would appreciate it if you and your types would not respond to my posts, there are plenty of people in these forums that think just as I do, take a hike Leushino and take Lem729 with you
Deleted User last edited by
And I'm sure many of us would appreciate it if YOU and YOUR TYPES would stop undermining those who happen to appreciate the new browser so why don't you "take a hike" to use your own nasty words.
lem729 last edited by
I was doing another post, and it made me thing of the question about DuckDuckgo from a week ago, so I thought I would add to that old Duckduckgo thread. Maybe I'm missing something here, and am (laughing) a week late, but it seems no biggie if you can't make something like duckduckgo a default search engine. (You can only make five possible default search engines in Opera). If you want to search with something else, go to the website of the search engine (in this case it's duckduckgo, right click on the search bar there, and add the engine to Opera. Then right click on the address bar, go to edit search engine, and you will see the letter that goes with duckduckgo. It happens to be a d.
So if you want to search with DuckDuckGo from the address bar, just type
d [and your search from the address bar]
So you can search from the Opera address bar with almost any search engine, by just adding it to Opera (at the search website) (finding the initial (s) to precede your search. Dogpile is do [plus the search] (once you add it to Opera).
mlaps last edited by
Is there a way to just completely disable the default search engines? I'd prefer to just get an error page if I mistype a URL, rather than a search results page, no matter what the engine is. I'm guessing this isn't possible, but thought I'd check in case I missed something.
berng last edited by
Good tip, lem.
For sure. And as lem said, once found its easy. Finding was the hard part. So, thanks to lem.
Opera should hire lem as a consultant, to find the many things that we have questions on and then to update Opera's documentation with his findings, producing readable documentation for the average user.
lem729 last edited by
A consultant? Lol. Thanks, berng. I wish I knew -- when bangorme first asked about searching from duckduckgo -- that you can do it from the address bar. In the old days, I could have sent him a personal note with the answer a week later. Now I post what I found, and maybe he'll see it
and maybe he won't
Deleted User last edited by
Of course I saw it!
This is my 7th post here. Thanks to everyone that helped. I've been using Opera almost exclusively and am liking it more and more. It' isn't what I'd call full featured, but I'm patiently waiting for the updates!