This is a "GOODBYE" Opera. And unfortunately it's you, it's not me!
A Former User last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 15:51
I met you when I started doing my masters in molecular genetics in Linkoping. My bone-rimmed glassed IT nerd friends suggested we should meet. At that point back in 2007, all the innovative stuff you had was amazing and we immediately fell in love.
I have been with you since 2007, not only in my student times but also in my professional life. You were beautiful, you were cool, you were different and you were functioning. Lately, you are not functioning properly.
I can't update my facebook feed, I can't make a search on twitter, some sites look awkward in you and my love to you gets hurt everytime you make me open Chrome to do something you can't.
I totally understand when you try to make mobile stuff and focus on other things as well but why would all that matter if you can't deliver a functioning product? Why are you distracting yourself from giving the best possible shit ever like you did before?
I don't want a flawless video chat with your Web RTC report, I dont wanna change the background of my speed dial screen. All I want is a propoerly functioning browser. Why can't you give me that?
So this is a goodbye Opera. I'm gonna uninstall you deep down to your registry keys and I don't feel guilty. Because it is you, it's not me.
Selcuk Can Guven, Ph.D.
christoph142 last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 15:57
Although I appreciate your lovely approach on dumping Opera, I still don't get why you (people) start using Chrome instead of Chromium-based Opera...
A Former User last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 19:07
All I want is a propoerly functioning browser.
Then use Opera 12.16 as you have done for years. If a page breaks, then open it in another browser, as you have also no doubt done for years.
colderwinters last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 22:43
Right On Scguven, I applaude your decision to move on, the present Opera team has no intention of making any changes to please it's former users,and the people in these rooms using the new Opera and defending it so fervently, know it's a piece of garbage, they say its fast and it does this and that, but what kind of computer are they running it on ? I can run any browser and they are all fast, benchmarks look good on paper and unless your running some sort of ancient machine and/or with slow internet you arent gunna notice any difference. Scguven, Give comodo Ice Dragon a try, It's better than the New/Old Opera ever was and Chrome is overated
lem729 last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 22:57
If, Coldwinters, you're not an Opera user any more, then why the obsession with continuing to post here in the Opera forum, and try to demoralize others. Go post in the Commodo Ice Dragon forum.
I'm glad you're a happy Commodo Ice dragon user. I'm trying make Opera work for me. Don't poison the Opera forum for people interested in using Opera. Isn't it time for you to move on?
Deleted User last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:02
Yet another useless thread. Why do we tolerate these soapbox "good-byes" which have absolutely NOTHING to do with resolving browser issues, learning to use the browser and/or suggesting features? Moderator, please consider locking this thread.
colderwinters last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:05
Whats your purpose here Lem ? is it to help people ? what problem have you solved for other users ? there are alot of unhappy people here dissapointed in the turn Opera has taken, I merely state what works for me, what works for you Lem ?
Deleted User last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:11
Lem can speak for himself but I have to admit to admiring his cool head, patience and assistance he has given to many over the past several weeks.
lem729 last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:12
Stop it. Stop the garbage coldwinters. At this point, you're here to poison others. Is that how you want to view yourself. This forum is for Opera users. It's not seemly for you to just stay here, posting, demoralizing. Go to Commodo Ice dragon. Happy browsing!
lem729 last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:13
Stop it. Stop the garbage coldwinters. At this point, you're here to poison others. Is that how you want to view yourself. This forum is for Opera users. It's not seemly for you to just stay here, posting, demoralizing. You have said that you have left Opera. You have told us you switched to another browser, that you hate what Opera has become. So why keep posting here every day. Have you no shame! Go to Commodo Ice dragon. Happy browsing!
funksoulbro last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:26
"and the people in these rooms using the new Opera and defending it so fervently"
Yeah, they're rather sad. Some of them literally spend every day doing it, yet when you looked back at their old posts on the old forums, they were fans of Opera because of all of its features and because it used Presto. They're just deluded fanboys with nothing better to do.
open1950 last edited by 6 Apr 2014, 23:30
Почему в новой Opera Developer 22.0.1460.0 в экспресс панели не отображаются эскизы страниц?
Deleted User last edited by 7 Apr 2014, 00:02
Opera 20 works perfectly for me.
For me too, nothing to complain
toothfaerie last edited by 7 Apr 2014, 00:17
It's good to have a friend go rouge, why bother saying anything anymore, this is it get used to the mundane backward can I say Cr4p we have been offered. I am in agreement with OP, this is the worst situation possible from something so beautiful and user orientated. Maxthon is the only way forward for REAL opera users, if anyone has a better substitute then please tell. Opera team, what have you done, why, what benefit have you created here, what innovation is coming from this complete change of direction. It's easy to see, NOTHING. How dare you do this guys, you had a community now you are but a dull reflection of what you were.
So how long do you guys think that Opera will survive without us the consumers. Has the Opera dev's even used the ball ache that is Opera. This is a shocking excuse for a browser, even Internet Explorer is better AS IT WORKS!
lem729 last edited by 7 Apr 2014, 00:27
I think Opera is doing fine... Here's one consumer who is excited by some of the positive changes -- a blink engine with more speed, more extensions, a wonderful minimalist look, and hopeful for an increase in features, but enjoying some of the super additions -- like the unique speed dial with folders, the Stash, the Discover Panel, and concomitantly with that, a presto engine with tons of features for our power users who long for features.
toothfaerie last edited by 7 Apr 2014, 00:31
Stop it. Stop the garbage coldwinters. At this point, you're here to poison others. Is that how you want to view yourself. This forum is for Opera users. It's not seemly for you to just stay here, posting, demoralizing. You have said that you have left Opera. You have told us you switched to another browser, that you hate what Opera has become. So why keep posting here every day. Have you no shame! Go to Commodo Ice dragon. Happy browsing!
Yes, easy answer. YES! I don't want people to think this is what I told them to use. Over the last 18 months I have had to sort out every clients PC and give them Chrome or Maxthon as Opera does not work. You can fool yourselves into believing this is a working product, but it just ain't. Try it for yourself. Use Opera then use Chrome, which works and they both are the same. SO how come Opera has gone from the majesty of browsers to the totally incompetent?
I must be missing something, like the innovation that came from Opera, the configuration, the user friendly nature, the cross platform compliance. Honestly if you can fight for this Opera shambles you have never used Opera. It is a shocking mess, and more importantly an abuse of the loyal supporters and friends of Opera.
You guys really have lost your way. A very sad excuse for a browser, to have IE works better than what you have to offer really shocks me. Sad and abusive behaviour to us your friends. Good bye Opera.
colderwinters last edited by 7 Apr 2014, 00:41
I think Opera is doing fine... Here's one consumer who is excited by some of the positive changes -- a blink engine with more speed, more extensions, a wonderful minimalist look, and hopeful for an increase in features, but enjoying some of the super additions -- like the unique speed dial with folders, the Stash, the Discover Panel, and concomitantly with that, a presto engine with tons of features for our power users who long for features.
Tons of features for Power Users ? I'm no newbie to Google Chrome Clones, I've been using SRWare Iron for years as a secondary browser, Does a hell of alot more than the New Opera does and all of the Chrome Extensions work with it as well