[12.16]Feed tab opens together with mail, how do i disable it pls?
komisarkomrd last edited by
K so i made the jump from x32 opera12, onto x64, and now when im opening one of the feeds, it actually open 2 tabs, first one is the feed ofc, and the second is mail, which i don't even get why, but okay. How do i disable that mail?
thanks in advice pls.
linuxmint7 last edited by
I know this does not answer your question, But:
Why go from x32 to x64 ?, there are no real benefits, and the x64 of most versions of Opera are generally more unstable than the x32 versions. I am guessing you were using 12.16 x32 before ?.
komisarkomrd last edited by
i was using 12.02 x32, and it got really rusty, the sites loaded for ages, new javascripts and flashes like youtube made my i7 CPU view 0.2fps from a single videoplayer etc. also x64 always work faster on x64 computers, and im a person who love to gangbang rape the browser.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Feeds are part of mail. So, you don't want to disable mail. But, it sounds like a corrupted session. Close down Opera and delete autosave.win in the sessions folder in the preferences folder (see help -> about Opera for the location). If that doesn't help, rename opearprefs.ini while Opera is closed so it creates a new one.
Are you loading feeds by going to "Menu -> Feeds -> Read Feeds" or by opening the mail panel and clicking on a certain view for a feed?
komisarkomrd last edited by
Neither of both've worked, and what connection is there exactly between mail and feeds? feed = site RSS, mail = email. i see no connection.
thats the way i open them, and did so in 12.02 x32 opera without any problems.
http://prntscr.com/37jy8h -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
The same component (previously called M2, later just known as mail) is used to process feeds and mail. If you have no mail accounts configured, the sidebar (which will be titled Mail) should show a list of all your feeds, while the main tab (which will be named Feeds) will show a list of all your messages along with the text of the highlighted message. If you want to read only one specific feed, you can click on it in the sidebar - the name of the tab will change to the name of that feed, and only messages from that feed will be displayed.
I understand the confusion, but the mail component is designed to work with the sidebar displayed like that. You can press F4 to hide it, but it will reappear whenever the mail (Feeds) tab is closed and then re-opened, or even if you focus a different tab and then go back to the Feeds tab.