YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut
avi12 last edited by
@beeters The API can list comments, but a comment's entry does not have a dislike counter
PopnPride last edited by
would be cool if you could if you could make it possible to add mouse shortcuts for people with mouses with extra buttons if its possible
PopnPride last edited by
@popnpride: nevermind seams like they allready have a function going forward and backward on websites
avi12 last edited by
@popnpride Technically, I could implement a subject functionality, but it doesn't make sense to me TBH
In addition, I don't have a mouse with lots of buttons but only backward and forward, as well as a profile switcher, which apparently JS can't detect -
Oakadiel last edited by
Parece que parou de funcionar. Eu gostava mt da extensão, se puderem consertar ela, ficaria grato!
Kyataru last edited by
Auto-like doesn't seem to work (on Opera GX). It also doesn't save the % if I change it.
avi12 last edited by
@kyataru The Opera reviewers have been slow to review the update, use the Chrome Web Store version in the meantime