[Compilation]Discussions on Opera Crashing
PolluxHH last edited by
For some time Opera (Win 10 32Bit, Opera One Version: 103.0.4928.47) has been crashing repeatedly (and several times a day). This also happens with only the startup page opened (immediately or after some time, while drinking a coffee for example), thus independent from the visited site. (In approximately 10% of the cases I get noticed, that I can’t access the user-account because of insufficient authorisation. It happens with great regularity when opening a private window/tab the first time after starting Opera (over 90% probability).) A complete reinstall incl. registry cleanup didn't help.
Only the usage-related causality of a 90% chance of Opera crashing when a private window or tab is opened for the first time after starting the browser could be observed. This problem no longer exists after an automatic restoration, but if it doesn’t work, usually combined with the message that the user account cannot be accessed due to the lack of permission, the same problem occurs again. However, an automatic restoration almost always results in a blocked VPN that is set to automatically activate at startup (yellow icon).
For confirmation I would have to be able to read the DMP files in the “Crash Reports” folder, which disappears after transmission (first I checked the list of uploaded reports [about:crash] and tried to have a look at the content of the transmitted data, but the folder […\Crash Reports\reports] was empty). It should be mentioned that the automatic submission of crash-reports was deactivated in the settings. It’s Irritating, isn’t it? Deactivation seems to be only a nominal option with no practical effects to soothe the minds of gullible users? No, I won’t get suspicious, no, I won’t … no! And to be fair there is at least a change to observe. If you allow automated submission, the crash recovery message provides an opportunity to add comments. This option is no longer available after deactivation (the possibility remains using the link “about:crash” as long as the report wasn’t disposed, it can save unnecessary effort because most of the submitted reports will be disposed). Honi soi qui mal y pense.
After some efforts in mental I closed the relevant Opera-process for monitoring crashes (Windows task manager), finally enabling me to get access to crash reports, but the common tools for viewing (Windows-)DMP-files could not handle the Opera-format. Only one thing could be observed: a crash report has been created every hour, independent of a previous crash. Checking the Large crash-reports (about 2,5 to 3,6 MB), some without any previous crashes, aren’t suspicious either, even if submitted without consent, aren’t they? As long as the content doesn't exceed the size of the bible as plain-text-file (approximately 4,5 MB) it's not suspicious in any way, isn’t it? A Windows-Registry of a private used PC, size between 100 to 200 MB (32Bit), is still way beyond. A new attempt of mental self-persuasion seemed to be necessary damn.
One observation took place after checking the reports over a longer time-line: Opera will crash at least every hour during the attempt to write a DMP-file in the Folder “reports”. After clearing the cache or Opera was closed at the predetermined time a new timeline will start. Since DMP files are created hourly and not with every crash, but are created every hour even without any crash, a programmed routine, not related to crashes, can be assumed, whereby the occurrence of assumed as causally connected crashes seems most likely due to external programs. My main suspect would be Norton 360°. Difficult to explain would be the fact, that the largest crash reports observed to date (3,58 and 3,63 MB) has been generated after hours without crashes.
Interference of external programs can hardly be solved by a community, but tips would be appreciated. One thing should be told: I like Opera, but before closing my Antivir-Program I would change the browser. On the other hand, my mental self-persuasion seems no longer as convincing. I would be grateful for mental support. Thanks in advance and I'll go meditate first ...
Best regards!
PolluxHH last edited by PolluxHH
What else could perhaps be said...
In the Windows Event Viewer, the crashes are accompanied by various security-oriented events (event IDs 4624, 4672, 4799 and 5382) and the status of the Windows Power Shell is briefly changed from "Available" to "Stopped" (event ID 403) (the explained the short-term freezing of the system).
In Norton, the emergence of blocking an attack on social networks correlates with the Opera crashes. By the way: I don't have any social media accounts.
Maybe this information can be of some help.
NegaPosi last edited by
I'm on Windows 10 Pro, version 22H2.
Opera One version: 105(.)0(.)4970(.)13(.)I have been having problems with my browser constantly crashing since a few days ago. Roughly about a minute after i turn it on it would crash.
Reinstalling did nothing.
Updating did nothing.
Making a new profile with bookmarks backed up did nothing.
Disabling extensions did nothing.
Resetting flags did nothing.
Disabling Malwarebtyes and Bitdefender did nothing.
Resetting the settings to default did nothing.
It has nothing to do with the amount of tabs i have or the web pages i'm on.
It has nothing to do with whether i'm logged into two accounts or 16-20.I see that Bitdefender senses issues with opera.exe trying to connect to cs (dot) ffbtas (dot) com.
My windows has an update that it refuses to do, spitting "0x800f0831" at me.
Here are all the non-default settings i use:
Theme: Dark
Show bookmarks bar: On
Search engine used in the address bar: I have experienced these crashes with both Google and Duckduckgo
Display the start page first: I have experienced these crashed with these feature both on and off.
Run when my computer starts: Off
Show Continue Shopping section: Off
Show Continue on Booking (dot) com section: Off
Automatically create tab islands: Off
Cycle tabs in most recently used order: Off
Snooze inactive tabs to save memory: I have experienced these crashed with these feature both on and off.
Scroll to the top of the page by clicking the active tab: Off
Warn on closing window with multiple tabs: Off
Warn on quitting Opera with multiple tabs open: Off
Show button on videos: I have turning this off to turn all Lucid mode feature off, nothing happened.
Enable mouse gestures: OffI couldn't even post this thread on Opera, i had to switch to Firefox to do it.
I don't know what to do. I need help understanding how to fix this. I would really appreciate some help.
Thank you for taking your time to read this if you have. I hope i have made myself easy to understand.
chcgo-undaground last edited by
I am running Opera browser version 105.0.4970.13 on Windows 10 32-bit version and since the latest version changes, my browser crashes continually...just now I booted, logged into my desktop, opened Opera, went to a new aggregation site (Drudge) and clicked on a single link to something stupid Elon Musk said and pow, crash....
I've submitted two bug reports but nary a word from Opera's support/dev teams....