[Compilation]Discussions On How To Go Back To Old (99) UI
A Former User last edited by leocg
I hate this modern curvy violet bloated lgbt themes. Do you, Opera designers, know that the users are supposed to use this software? This funky pinky teletubbies theme adds nothing positive to the user experience. Do you develop the software for using it or just for the delight of some noisy group of weirdy people?
kvrga last edited by
@makoruu I managed to do it on Win. First, I downloaded opera 99 offline istall. Then I had to disable internet, install the Opera browser, then disable auto update feature by deleting some parts from the program folder. Very cumbersome process. There should be an option to disable auto-update. Very bad UX, and even worse UI on Opera One. I really don't like it.
makoruu last edited by
The new Opera is hideous, and has lost all direction. There's no way to change the look or the UI, and the stupid grey boarder is still there that blocks the mouse scroll wheel.
The AI is annoying, and all these features are superfluous. I turned them all off immediately.
I couldn't stand the new UI so I went back to Chrome.
EveryUsernameIsNotAvailable last edited by
Hello. I just launched my browser I unpleasant surprise was there. They completely redesigned way browser looks and I don't like it at all. It's just... ugly.
So, I'd like to revert it to the good old look.
Any suggestions?
Other than uninstalling browser, installing older version and deleting all update relating components to prevent browser from updating ever again? Yes, I know "security risks" of "being outdated". -
EveryUsernameIsNotAvailable last edited by EveryUsernameIsNotAvailable
Ok, this is insane. First of all, I can't even uninstall Opera (insufficient privileges error). I searched it and only solution I found was to uninstall it manually - no thanks. I'd rather work one week in coal mine.
Than, in program files Opera folder, I saw few folders - 74. 85 and 103. I deleted 103 folder + auto updater and old look was back. But.. there is problem. All my passwords are gone. When I restore 103 folder from recycle bin, passwords are back.
So, I wanted to export passwords (settings, three dots, export passwords), but - in this 103 version there are no more three dots and I can't see any option to export passwords.
Please, can anyone tell how to export passwords from this new version? Or in which file passwords are stored, so I can manually move it from 103 to 85 folder. -
A Former User last edited by
I have successfully switched to another browser. I asked myself
- why do I need Opera and
- why do I actually need another browser?
So I have switched to the Edge. It is built-in, no need to install something from the 3rd party, I believe it is as safe as Opera or any other modern browser and has the same functionalities.
The final drop of despair was when one field in some web form didn´t work but it was working in every other browser I tried.
No... No... No more, Opera, thanks and bye.