General Opera One Feedback Topic
EChavezS last edited by
That's my perception. Videos from several pages stop playing at a particular point. I can reload the page, same story, go to another browser, all ok, playback flawlessly. And it became rather sssssslow, Sometimes I am not sure if I am connected. Test another browser, it flies. Is it just my perception? I am actually considering downgrading Opera to before the AImnation..
SunSplash last edited by leocg
where do admins read and consider! feedback for opera versions?
like this one?
and forward it to the developers/decision makers. opera has become a pure joke to me. or nightmare.I hate everything about this opera one crap. all sh... wanna reinstall 97 or something, doesnt work. i am definitely gonna change after 15 years ore so. looking for new home. using firefox for now.
veery bad development. vpn has disappeared from adress line. how stupid is that? everybody loved that. was my main reason for using. opera. so sick. then this aria crap. so bad answers. maybe they sold it to google or what. bad work guys. please guys, just stay with what you were good at. horrible. absolute nightmare. has become worse and worse the last versions. ugly dark mode. going with the trend doesnt make you better.
(have uninstalled now.) will observe development
myswtest last edited by myswtest
In our Linux environment, it's easy to install a "pre-opera one" version.
It's my understanding this is mostly a user to user forum, but there are active admins out here. I doubt seriously Devs are watching (retired Dev here, and I wouldn't be out here
For me, the VPN icon in the URL bar (address line) is in plain sight, and I can see it switch on and off.
Didn't sell it to Google.
"ugly dark mode"?? disable it.
"aria cr@p"?? disable it.
"just stay with what you were good at".
Not gonna happen ... too much of an investment at this stage to revert back, just because a few folks want the previous generation Opera. Just download pre-One version (and good luck with future security fixes and enhancements)
I've had, pretty much, no issues with Opera One. Maybe it's my runtime environment, or my specific usage of Opera (I run four different browsers, each with a specific use case).
SunSplash last edited by leocg
hi thank you for your prompt answer, honestly!
so step by step:
"In our Linux environment, it's easy to install a "pre-opera one" version."
Dont understand, what do you mean?"user to user forum" / I doubt seriously Devs are watching (retired Dev here
.. so it´s a one-way thing. bad for users.
thats what the development looks like for me."For me, the VPN icon in the URL bar (address line) is in plain site, and I can see it switch on and off."
here definitely not. gone. no clue why."ugly dark mode"?? disable it.
"aria cr@p"?? disable it.
you know, thats the thing, then this big o, when starting, the sound, then dark mode (should never! be standard), aria is simply bad, so until not good should be not promoted as a working AI chat, but in beta mode or so (or was it?). can´t compare to any other I know.
then by the way, the reason for my post was originally that always my mouse moves to the right side of the screen, opera reduces to half screen size and shows me all other open windows. ) I hate that, a thousand little things, you see?
a company that uses a dark mode as standard also doesnt have my trust, is not my crowd anymore . i think you should work more neutral. to me opera has a feature overload. also the tabs
:((( I forgot that.I cant close a tab with my tablet (ms surface). simply cant. just with mouse. but i use my tablet not to have to use a mouse.
its crap, sorry. better do something simple fast and brilliant (also not fast anymore), chrome much faster on my ms surface with win 11 and so son and so on.
and if the devs dont visit this forum - that says it all.
developing stuff in their bubble?no. I think it´s time for a great crowd developed browser. anyways, thats the future in my eyes.
ok, thanks for your time! the disable disable strategy is not really a solution. as you see, theres more about it.
nounours1895 last edited by leocg
The latest Opera One(version : 103.0.4928.34) seems excellent: I particularly love the workspaces in the left vertical toolbar.
I have temporarily stopped using my previous browsers, until I have got a deeper experience on it.
But Opera misses a crucial feature: the possibility to backup its entire configuration including the workspaces.
In case of crash or other problem, we Must have the possibility to import a backup in order to avoid to re-create the workspaces.
Without this feature, Opera is useless, because such a workload would be too high !
terminatedprocess last edited by
@nounours1895 You can backup the %appdata%\Opera Software folder. Use 7-zip (free) to right-click and zip it. Then put your zip somewhere. Another option is Macrium Reflect software (trial but you need to pay) and that will backup your entire Windows while you are using it. Well worth it!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@nounours1895 Enabling Sync plus backing up the profile directory should do it.
nounours1895 last edited by nounours1895
@terminatedprocess said in General Opera One Feedback Topic:
You can backup the %appdata%\Opera Software folder. Use 7-zip (free) to right-click and zip it. Then put your zip somewhere.
I understand, but what is the %appdata% folder: I mean what is its real location under W10 ?
Is it "C:\Users\Michel\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable" , the path shown in the "help -> About" ?
NitramO last edited by
Hi, i recently switched from OperaGX to Brave because i also switched from Windows to Linux (and there is not OperaGX on Linux...) and i just seen a video from a YouTuber talking about Opera One, so i wanted to try it, but it actually suffers from the same lack as OperaGX namely no "extension sync" option... So i'll go back to Brave for now, notify me when you can do your work properly Opera Team...
terminatedprocess last edited by
@nounours1895 type window-r. Then type %appdata% and you will see where it goes. You can also do this in Explorer.
A Former User last edited by
I'm using Opera for quite and a half year now. I used to use Opera when it was still running on the Presto engine. Afterwards I used Chrome, Firefox and Vivaldi. But now, after changing to Opera again, it's my main browser. And I'm very satisfied so far, although it may have some quirks here and there.
What I particular like about Opera:
Its clear UI which is elegant and smooth
Workspaces: I usually use one "pivate" and one "work"
My Flow is very handy
I like and use the sidebar especially for messaging and music
Ad - and tracking protection, although it's rather basic, I admit.
Pop-Out-Video is also very handy.
Easy File is a very good feature, I like to use.
The new AI-tools make my life easier,
I especially like the screenshot-tool which gives the opportunity to edit the images
I use Pinboards for collecting content.
Enhancing quality of videos
So there's so much that's almost peculiar to Opera. They're actually fantastic featrues, I wouldn't want to miss. And I haven't talked about the basic features others have as well.
I don't rather need VPN, Cashback, Shopping Center and these kind of things. But they can be easily opted out. That's great.What are your favorite tools and features in Opera? And what are your reasons to use it?
nounours1895 last edited by nounours1895
But now, after changing to Opera again, it's my main browser.
Exactly the same for me.
The workspaces are a must for me: previously I was obliged to use 4 or 5 browsers, because I always have a lot of tabs...
Regarding your other points, I admit that I should watch an Opera tuto because I don't see where the following functions are:** I like and use the sidebar especially for messaging and music
Pop-Out-Video is also very handy.
I use Pinboards for collecting content.
Easy File is a very good feature, I like to use.
I especially like the screenshot-tool which gives the opportunity to edit the images*
What are these features ? or at least, where I can find a tuto for these ?
momoxx last edited by
after using chrome for years i decided to change to opera cause i heard good stuff about it , i download it , installed it after that it asked me to import my data of chrome i thought its a great feature little do i know that its gonna ruin my weekend since for some reason when they imported my info it logged me out of all my google accounts which one of them i don't have his password neither the recovery methods since its a very old account , the account is linked to all my personal stuff , ty opera for you effort in making my life worst
weilan last edited by
When I first heard about Opera One coming with version 100, I was excited for the changes, but after I tried out the beta, I was left scared and concerned about my future use of Opera and was apprehensive of what's coming next.
I even submitted feedback, about 3-4 months ago about all the things that changed for the worse, I will list them below, and I hoped that in a few months time, these issues will be resolved, but they are not, and it seems like Opera is even worse now.
The issues are mostly stemming from UI changes.
Here is a side-by-side comparison on the same website loaded in Opera One and Brave:
As you can see, the margins on Opera's UI are bigger, which results in less of the webpage content to be visible compared to Brave when both browser UIs are only displaying two rows of roughly the same content - tab bar, back/forward, reload, address bar, etc.
- This is the number one issue with Opera One - the UI became enlarged for no reason whatsoever. The regular tabs in Opera 99 and prior, which were modeled after folder tabs are now replaced with these "tab islands" or whatever they are called. I think first Edge or Firefox started using them, then the other copied them and finally Opera copied them.
The problem with tab islands is they take up so much useless space that can be used to reduce the overall size of the browser chrome (or UI). They have these artistic shadows underneath the selected tab to imply a sense of depth, but this is largely useless, since if the selected tab was connected to the address bar, like it used to be before, it will still be the tab that stands out the most... like it used to be and the UI will be a few pixels thinner vertically.
Here is another image of Opera's UI, this time, the context menu:
- As you can see, this is problem two - the rounded corners of the browser context menu do not correspond to the highlighted item (in purple), which on its own does not have rounded corners, so if you zoom in and look closely, the purple highlight goes out of the rounded context menu by a few pixels.
I know this is not a huge issue, but it shows that whoever works on the UI is very unprofessional and sloppy with his/her work. I'm also using Windows 10, which still doesn't have rounded corners like Windows 11, but it only makes the problem more apparent - Opera One's UI doesn't translate well between different OS versions.
- Problem #3 is that Opera One changed the UI in such a way, that made the browser very difficult to use, in my case - pretty useless. Before Opera One, we were able to drag the mouse cursor to the topmost edge of the screen and select the tabs, the Opera menu and the minimize/maximize/close buttons, this relied on a muscle memory that has been built into people for decades of using a computer - where they can drag the mouse cursor on certain parts of the edge of the screen and click to perform an action without shifting their focus to that part of the screen, but now Opera One has removed this.
Not only this, but they have added a frame around the web page content, which also makes using the scrollbar for scrolling through the page harder as I described above. Before we were able to drag the cursor to the rightmost edge of the screen where the scrollbar is and then grab it, but now it's impossible, because it results in grabbing this newly added border instead and dragging results in resizing the whole window and dragging it around the screen.
Same happens if you try to open the Opera menu or close the browser when minimized - you will drag the cursor to the top left or right corner and click, but nothing will happen.
It's strange, because they have made this works for selecting tabs, but not for the other buttons. For me this is inconsistent UX design and very unprofessional and redundant. It's as if the people who designed this UI don't use Opera or are some 18 year old interns who were born with smartphones in hand and have no experience how to use a desktop so they aren't even realizing they are ruining Opera with Opera One.
- The next problem is the reduced customization options in Opera. Not being able to edit or create a new search engine is ridiculous, because Chrome, or Chromium to be precise, which Opera uses as a base allows this, Brave allows it, Vivaldi allows it, it's only Opera who is blocking this. I want to use Startpage as my default search engine and on other Chromium browsers I can use it, only on Opera I can't unless I go through some weird hoops, which I won't bother with, I will just use another Chromium browser instead. It's actually very simple.
Opera when it was using Presto was all about customization and serving the user, now the power dynamic has shifted completely where the browser is very limited and it feels like it's the user who is supposed to serve the browser or in other words - adapt to its crap factor instead of adapting it to his/her needs.
I remember, Opera 14 and probably all the way up until Opera 20, it was limited, compared to Presto Opera, but at least the UI was good, there was more freedom to customize it.
It's hard to find old images on the internet from the Opera 14-20 days and I won't bother trying to install one to prove my point, so here are some images of it I found just for people to see and be reminded how beautiful Opera used to look and how clean and compact the UI was:
And this was after they switched to Chromium or Blink. In fact the change was so good back then, that I immediately loved Opera and thought it will become the best browser. In fact, back then and still today, Opera for some reason is really fast at loading itself and loading web page content.
But since then Opera has become more worse and bloated. The UI became worse, there were more limitations imposed, a lot of the customization options were removed. Yet somehow despite becoming a bloated browser, Opera was still lightning fast. Before version 100, or Opera One, I was still considering using it as my main browser despite not being able to set Startpage as my default engine, but when Opera One released and now a few more versions followed and the problems with the horrible UI/UX are still present, I am 100% certain I can't use Opera anymore or recommend it to my friends or install it and set it up on their computers, because it's not good anymore.
I'm not even going to touch upon that AI crap that's also another useless bloat to the browser, just like the useless existence of Opera GX and the Opera Web3 alternatives, it looks like a desperate attempt from Opera to stay relevant, which reminds me of that Steve Buscemi picture where a tone-deaf old fart is trying to pass off as a teen and fails to realize how much of a failed attempt it was:
So these are my grievances with Opera One. I've been using Opera since around 2006-2007, less so before 2013 when it dropped Presto for WebKit/Blink, but I still have used it a lot and comparing what it used to be then to what it is now is night and day difference... for the worse.
That's it, whoever read this far, thanks for taking the time reading my rant, I certainly took my time and enjoyed talking about the things I like and dislike about Opera. I do wish the people calling the shots in Opera read this and hopefully some of them weren't born after the year 2001 so they can understand the problems with the current state of Opera One and consider doing something about it, even reverting to the version 99 UI will probably fix 90% of these problems, but somehow I doubt this will happen. The most likely scenario will be my thread will be locked or deleted, because this will be viewed as something bad and someone's feelings will get hurt from it. In the best case scenario, it will just be ignored and another unheard voice in the vast desert added to the list.
Have a good one!
g6khan last edited by
+1 to everything @weilan says
Also another huge issue is, on Mac I can't work with Opera open. Tried my best to stay with Opera, even tried to install sub 100 version on windows but on Mac I don't know how to do it. My issue on Macbook is this, Opera takes A lot of memory, even without tabs. Now I am writing this from Brave browser. I don't think this is developers fault but a shitty product teams. -
krubhein last edited by
Heya! I've been struggling on how to use background music, sounds, and etc, i'd like some redirection on how to use them.
Willy754 last edited by
I have installed the lastest Opera One(version: 105.0.4970.16).
And on its actionbar, it's got some buttons, I will never use, I think. I would prefer, if I can have some personal bookmarks there, namely 1) Bank button, 2) Google map, 3) Amazon and 4) Youtube. They are sort of required by government, also youtube because you must check their news - though it could be better channel, since one has to search in all their garbage to find relevant news like covid.
Feedback: I don't quite follow, what 'opera' is. Some jerk might explain it in comment hereafter, but it's the product that should tell it!
Yes, I can't tell either what 'firefox' or 'chrome' mean, but is this your explanation??