Polyglot Wikipedia
saskatchewan last edited by
@jrmenzon-0: @smokofenek: I've had a look today on how to fix it, but with the new Wikipedia layout, language list is loaded on demand. I don't know if I can trigger that by myself and reliably detect when the list is fetched
smokofenek last edited by
@saskatchewan Still, thanks for making this addon in the first place. Was very useful to me for years. Sometimes changes that seem to be just small are more complicated, like that language list. Would be cool if You could fix it, but don't push too hard. Nobody would blame You, because it's not Your fault that it was changed that way
have a nice day.
saskatchewan last edited by
@smokofenek @JRMenzon-0 Luckily my initial investigation was incorrect! I've just submitted version 1.30 with a fix, making the multi-language titles work with the new page layout. The language bubbles only remain working with the old layout, which is still the default on some language versions and on other Wikimedia project pages. It required a bit of an effort, but after nearly 10 years I release a new version (I'm happy to not have lost my private key to sign it
). Please give some time for it to be validated, before it's made public.
Do not hesitate to tag me, if you spot any issues. I should get an e-mail notification and react faster than in 7 months
. Too bad I didn't get one previously.
smokofenek last edited by
@saskatchewan I am really glad it worked. I've actually seen Your reply few days ago, but didn't have anything to add, waiting for the new version to appear. Still, the Opera didn't update it to the 1.30, as it's listed as 1.20 to me. I hope Opera will update it soon, because it was one of the best addons here. Simple, but made life easier, as someone who browses multiple languages on Wikipedia
saskatchewan last edited by
@smokofenek The new version finally got validated after I asked a question about it talking so much time.
JRMenzon 0 last edited by
First things first: Thank you very much for taken a look on this!! I really appreciate your support and your contribution!!Indeed it works well for the new Wikipedia designs.
Unfortunately something is now broken on the older designs, in which on a big extent were Polyglot still working thought...
As an example: I use EN, DE, ES, CA (catalan) and AST (Asturian)
With this languages configured, I can now see correctly:
- EN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(web_browser)
- DE https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opera_(Browser)
- AST https://ast.wikipedia.org/wiki/EspaΓ±a
But for ES and CA it shows correctly the title, and the languages IDs (within square brackets), but no links are shown.
Here is a screenshot on how is it displayed:
Hope this feedback helps you to move forward.
JRMenzon 0 last edited by
IT, PT, EO (Esperanto) and IA (Interlingua) doesn't work neither.Kind regards
saskatchewan last edited by
@jrmenzon-0 I've found the root cause. I did a wrong assumption that in all languages the titles would appear the same, as they now contain full target language name... in the source language.
Unfortunately this is not consistent, e.g.
in English it appear as "Opera (navegador) β Spanish" for [en],
but in Spanish as "Opera (web browser) (inglΓ©s)" for [es]Currently I just trim the title as from the last occurrence of "β", but because of the above, I should not do that
I need to analyse the best approach. Worst case scenario, I will just keep the titles as they are, without removing language names. That would mean, however, that language codes in brackets will become a bit redundant.
saskatchewan last edited by
I've submitted version 1.31 with a fix. I'm unable to trim the target language from the title, as there are at least 4 different possibilities depending on the source language: parentheses, en dash, em dash, minus sign.
It will look like this:
or like that:
PS Thanks for reporting this!
JRMenzon 0 last edited by
@saskatchewan I think that trimming the language in the list entries is at this point a kind of "nice to have"...
If I can express myself frankly, look at the beginning of the list entries only for "translation purposes"...
Otherwise my eyes jump directly to the language ID in squarebrackets.Nevertheless I've some experience with regular expressions... maybe I can take a look on that trimm process I you mind.
Just let me know.