Video and Opera does not seem to be going good on Linux Mint
Robgo last edited by
@mochica Thank you for your post, I love anons like you solving strangers problems, I log in to this forum just to thank you, you posted the simplest solution to this issue, hopefully opera will fix this in the future or they need pin this post on the opera linux subforum so people don't go on rabbit holes trying to solve this issue..
jedi-am last edited by jedi-am
this is not specific to mint / ubuntuBut also all debian base distro and fedora.
I dont understand why opera team since they decide release a complete redesign browser, why didnt fix the problem witn .deb and .rpm packages for linux.
Why not make the browser search for codec package like ffmeg, openH264 in user machine. Why no Ask to install ?
A browser like Brave automatically detect the codecs and works fine even with a snap codec base.
In some old posts alredy asked this, Why Opera still does not Fix this? i dont want to install / to use snap if i am using fedora, mint , popOS, etc.
Please fix this, just use openH264 ( with libopenh264 decoder) inside of Opera or Fix the Paths to find which codecs the user machine has.
Maybe i will create a seprate post about, because the old one about this issue was closed which i dont agree with the solution.
Thanks -
jedi-am last edited by jedi-am
This is only valid for chromium base browsers like opera, brave vivaldi, etc. because few years ago the codes were removed from chromium.
However, for example brave, when i install ffmeg or have open264 or even the snap code version installed, it finds one of this codecs and the videos works fine in brave.
However in Opera, expects the folder in the one of folders of the opera browser, which is wrong and they should fix this way.
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by
@mochica I tried this route and Opera totally started crashing its tabs.
lavanyadeepak 0
mochica last edited by
Make sure the chromiun libffmpeg version matches your Opera Installation.
I've uninstalled Opera using the Software Manager and installed this version:Then I replaced the libffmpeg with the one from the in this folder: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/
vbnvbn last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 try an older version of from the link provided by @mochica - e.g. 0.78.0
If that doesn't solve the problem, check the driver for your graphics/video adapter you use - it may be inappropriate - e.g. if you use xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, some old nvidia graphics adapters are no longer supported by it - for example many 2D apps may work, but some apps, which use hardware acceleration may not.
lavanyadeepak 0 last edited by lavanyadeepak 0
@vbnvbn How are other browsers on the same platform able to manage and run the show seamlessly?
vbnvbn last edited by
@lavanyadeepak-0 If other chromium-based browsers work flawlessly with the hardware acceleration option switched on, then find the appropriate version for you. Use these links:
DarkMac78 last edited by
I am using th from the Slack installation. Bottom line, if you already have installed, just backup /usr/lib64/opera/ and then do a symlink for /usr/lib/slack/
jito463 last edited by
You know, I have to thank the Opera team. Because of this issue after installing Linux on my work PC, I have finally decided to ditch ChrOpera once and for all. It's been a long time coming, with multiple aggravations/ irritations, and this just made it easy to take the final step. I was going to try and fix the issue with the above steps, but I'm finally fed up.
So thank you Opera dev team.
soltysss last edited by
This is stupid, I should't install some codes and use terminal just to be able to use this browser, all other browsers work just fine out of the box. It's WTF moment to be honest. I don't event know why they bother supporting linux version of browser if it's not usable anyway.
Steviedeeee69 last edited by
This works but I had to right-click, 'open as root' in order to paste the file.
I know it adds another 15mb or so to the file size, but if you don't do a symlink it is pretty annoying to have to do this every time, when the developers could simply use the correct yet larger file.
anika216 last edited by
I have Opera version 107 and version .84 from the link above
worked for me.
Prutser last edited by
I am sadly used to it already, made it work via manual downloads and replacing the /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/ in any form.
Used to do it via snap on fedora, this time i installed mint and just downloaded the zip from github.You can script it or just do not upgrade your browser automatically and plan it. It basically are just 3 steps to do:
- update your browser, test if media files still work
- download the ffmpeg
- replace the opera supplied file with a symlink or just the new file and restart your browser.
The browser is worth a bit of extra effort in my case, firefox and chrome variants just aint my piece of pie. I read somewhere that Opera could not include the media codec files because of licensing types but not sure how much of that is true.
adamspaminator last edited by leocg
That's funny, I am in the almost exact opposite situation in that this bug has convinced me to finally completely ditch Windows for desktop use and re-embrace Linux/BSD as a viable daily driver OS.
Running into a show-stopper bug and then being able to fix said bug in 5 minutes with minimal searching reminds me of what Linux on the Desktop is really for. Which is that enjoyment found in being bogged down by random problems which don't occur with other systems/software, using previously developed skills and knowledge to fix the problem in a completely hack manner (as in messy and half-assed) which in turn allows one to develop a massive and completely useless Superiority Complex over the M$/iO$ plebs.
It's good to be back.
shelleyfrank last edited by shelleyfrank
@styen Thanks for this solution. I almost uninstalled Opera because of the video issue. Now it's working fine. The only thing is that I couldn't install opera-stable via apt, so I downloaded the latest deb installer from Opera homepage. The Linux Mint repo must be lacking opera-stable