Opera does not play videos other than YouTube
Ranius last edited by
Good evening, I really like the Opera browser but I can't use it as YouTube videos can be viewed without any problems, any other video on any other site doesn't work! Can someone kindly give me a hand?
I use Linux Manjaro and I would like to point out that everything is updated to the latest version and on both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome everything works!
I thank everyone as of now
myswtest last edited by
Can you provide two websites that have a videos that will not play, so others can try for comparison? A couple URLs pointing to the videos.
Ranius last edited by
Good morning everyone, so I can't use either Netflix or Prime Video nor Disney Plus, it's probably the drm that even on some sites tells me it's not activated, I've tried deactivating Ad Block, it's all up to date but it doesn't work!
myswtest last edited by
Originally, I was going to mention, "I can play videos other than YouTube", but thought it better to ask for a couple of examples. And yes, all you have listed are DRM related.
I checked at Netflix for supported browsers, and you should be okay
https://help.netflix.com/en/node/23742/And a search for playing locked content via Opera results in quite a few hits - here's one with a couple of suggestions