rif last edited by
Anyone else having a problem with Craiglist? Look here... are options in the upper left of a catagory listing. They change the view of all the ads. Works on other browsers. Turned off content blocking, id'ed as other browsers didn't help for me.
Can anyone else confirm/deny?
linuxmint7 last edited by
You mean the 'list, thumb, gallery, map' ad viewing options ?.
If so, they work fine for me, as in, I am able to click each option and view the ads as a text list, as thumbnails with text on the left, as large pictures with text below or a map view with numbers showing where the items (with amounts) are located.
Opera 12.14, Linux (32bit).
crd22 last edited by
I've been having this same issue for ~1 week now.
Discovered the grid view recently (for car shoppingand the view buttons on Craigslist worked, but now they don't do anything anymore.
12.16 x64 on Windows 8
I'm actually going to download 12.14 now because I've been running into a lot of such troubles recently with Opera.
blackbird71 last edited by
The buttons work fine here with Opera 12.14 (32bit) on a Win7-64bit system. I know in the past, the 64-bit 12.1x versions Opera have exhibited some 'issues' for some users not seen in the 32-bit versions, but since the OP didn't mention which his is (seems like no matter how much info gets supplied there's always something more needed), that may or may not be related.
hknsaigon last edited by
Today I got information of Opera Blog closed from 3 March 2014. Big problem to me because I can not open: How to restore my Opera Blog data ?
Can you help me.
Many thanksHKN-Saigon
blackbird71 last edited by
Today I got information of Opera Blog closed from 3 March 2014. Big problem to me because I can not open: How to restore my Opera Blog data ?
Can you help me. ...From what I understand, you can't restore it or access it any more. Opera had notified blog users for half a year that they would be shutting down MyOpera on 3 March, though some users argue they never received a notification eMail that Opera sent to all registered MyOpera users at their registration eMail addresses of record. The old forums were populated with many threads about the closure before it occurred, and it was hotly discussed over those intervening months. Apparently, you never received the eMail nor visited the forums during that period, and that's unfortunate. But just like with a hard drive that dies, the data is gone, and the time for backups or exporting was before that occurred.
Also, in the future, it would be better if you started a new thread/topic for a new subject, rather than post on top of an unrelated thread like this one.
hknsaigon last edited by
Dear friend,
It is clear, and I am so sorry on this bad situation.
So no more Opera to our group in the net.
I am so sorry by disturbing you.
Many thanks anyway.
quoilp -
crd22 last edited by
Craigslist is now working fine since going back to 12.14 (32-bit). Again, this is on Windows 8 x64.
I was having issues with 64-bit versions of Opera crashing often, so that's why I went back down to the 32-bit one.My concern now is that I'm still having troubles as of very recent with the Gawker sites (like
I'm trying to figure out exactly what the issue lies, but the thumbnails on the main pages are never loaded. For some reason, the "src" attribute (and only this one attribute) in each "img" element is not even downloaded in the main HTML page. Content blocker on and off - same deal. Same with masking as other browsers. Seems like something is getting screwed up with the HTTP request but I have to look more into it.
Also, the Login and Notification buttons (on the top left) are not working either but they did just revise the site so they may have broken it themselves too.Anybody want to confirm this?
blackbird71 last edited by
I get the same problematic results as you describe on (missing thumbs and "dead" buttons). However, while thumbnails per se don't load, thumbnails for videos do, and those do respond for me when clicked-on.
OS: Win 7-64 SP1 -- Web Browsers (32 bit): Opera 12.14u, 11.52; Firefox 27; Qupzilla 1.4.2; IE8
rif last edited by
OP here. Oops. Using the 64 bit on both a Win 7 and Win 8 machine (12.16, build 1860). Doesn't work on either of them now. BUT it used to work just fine with the same setup.
crd22 last edited by
@blackbird71: Same. The large "thumbnails" (i.e. featured posts) also work as well as the video thumbnails. It's baffling because these video thumbnails are really just regular image thumbnails with another image (play button) layered over them. Why didn't anything happen to their "src" tags? No idea...
I'll keep investigating.@rif: You may have to go back down to 12.14...
Seems like craigslist did something that made it break in Opera 12.16 because there haven't been any Opera 12 updates.