[Solved]Security update
ChaoJeffrey last edited by
Well also we have to contend that Microsoft is also pushing people to Windows 11, I know Opera already is looking to Develop hard into Windows 11 and soon to be Windows 12,
And by the time many get off of Windows 7, they will have to upgrade again shortly after 10, and it will forced on.
Generosus last edited by
@raddy said in Security update:
Windows 7 Embedded/Windows 2008 R2 updates suitables for normal windows 7 + still have 0patch platform.
Not sure I understand your statement. In any case, have you read this?
raddy last edited by
@generosus said in Security update:
Not sure I understand your statement. In any case, have you read this?
Of course, but, maybe you not know for that:
Generosus last edited by
@raddy said in Security update:
Of course, but, maybe you not know for that:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/june-13-2023-kb5027275-monthly-rollup-b4c032c9-77f4-4fa6-86ed-e7c009c0715bYours is a special case. You got lucky
raddy last edited by
@generosus said in Security update:
Yours is a special case.
With these updates you can patch any windows 7.
MrMuFa5a last edited by MrMuFa5a
try rename opera_autoupdate.exe
(C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\95.0.4635.84)
also try adding --disable-update to your shortcut
(C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe --disable-update) -
bbildman last edited by
@mrmufa5a Hi, so far by editing the hosts file with " autoupdate.geo.opera.com" (2 days now) the dreaded red Menu button has not returned.
SunnyDays99 last edited by
@chaojeffrey So let us all understand this, what this Opera 95 "Security Update" actually is.
After going through the rigmarole of trying to actually download this "update", (No instructions given to those Opera 95 users who received it).
Many folk failing to successfully install it.Is it being said here that ALL IT IS is a notice that "Opera Staff just Discontinued all updates to the OSes of Windows 7, 8 & 8.1 entirely." and it is a notice to say go and update your Operating System.
Which we know many Win 7, 8, 8.1 computers are not actually 'able' to upgrade to Windows 10.
I do not quite get the part about, "Opera's Staff may require you not to use this browser" ie the Opera 95 browser.
What Opera 95 users need to know is does successfully downloading that update somehow >>Disables<< the use of the browser.
We see it says "some people could not use it earlier", what, this being after the update was downloaded or before it. Or is it yet again another message with Opera recommending that the Opera 95 browser not be used?.
It sounds to me that it is not actually a security 'improvement' to the existing Opera 95 version installed . Does not take it any further that at most Opera 95.0.4635.84. No one has said it does with say 95.0.4635.88 version figures mentioned anywhere.
So all in all then, if there is no actual real Security Update to install, it merely being a pop up notice or some other notice of Opera saying there won't be any more Security updates, get yourselves a more recent Operating System with folks having trouble after downloading this Supposed "Security Update".
There seems to be NO POINT in going to the bother of downloading it other than possibly removing the red Opera menu button, that some helpful folk have given details on how to get rid of it.
All in all then not what most Opera 95 users want. Some may feel cheated.
Opera management changing their mind, re-coding Opera One a bit with Opera 95 users offered an upgrade to Opera One would be better.
Which initially it looked as though that is what it was. A Security Upgrade by way of upgrading to Opera One with all the improved security it uses.The red Opera menu prompts leading to the Opera Download page with "Opera recommends this browser" for you message. Opera One pictures!! shown.
(the actual 'non update' is lower down in the Beta & Archive browser section, in Opera 95 section).Just shows then, before downloading stuff in some cases best to look around and see the results of others doing so.
All sorted then. Thanks to all fellow Opera 95 users. Many of us can't upgrade our Operating Systems but still want to use Opera. Taking our chances using unsupported Operating systems and Internet browsers as well. Rebels right on the edge. Look out World.
OperaForumJG last edited by
I tried to update Opera with the Security Update and got error messages pertaining to PowerShell or PowerShell doesn't exist on Win7. It seems that Win7 is no longer supported by Opera.
Windows 7 -
raddy last edited by raddy
@operaforumjg said in Security update:
and got error messages pertaining to PowerShell or PowerShell doesn't exist on Win7.
Which errors?
Windows 7 have built-in Windows Powershell 2.0 and you can install Powershell 5.1.
PS. Many working methods for disable Opera browser autoupdate
OperaForumJG last edited by leocg
Thanks for telling me that Win7 has PowerShell. However, the error messages might be targeted for the PowerShell Win10 environment. I tried to load screenshots but failed. Yes, I might be living dangerously but my Dell Alienware M17xR2 costed me $CAN 4,994.00 in October 2010. It cannot be upgraded to Win10 or Win11 because of the "exotic" drivers and software. I might try Slimbrowser which might be the only web browser left for Win7.
raddy last edited by
@operaforumjg said in Security update:
Yes, I might be living dangerously but my Dell Alienware M17xR2 costed me $CAN 4,994.00 in October 2010. It cannot be upgraded to Win10 or Win11 because of the "exotic" drivers and software.
I might try Slimbrowser which might be the only web browser left for Win7.
Current versions of Chromium not support windows 7. Slimbrowser last version released 01 feb 2023, Opera 95 - 27 Apr 2023.
Firefox 115 support win7 until september 2024. -
OperaForumJG last edited by leocg
@raddy Thanks for your timely information. That is strange, about one year ago, Dell made a statement declaring the Win10 has not been tested on the Alienware M17xR2. Microsoft is now selling Win11 and the processor requirements are too high for my Alienware computer. As for Mozilla Firefox, I will verify and if what you are saying is true, I might be able to take the Alienware to the museum before September 2024 by installing Mozilla Firefox and use it until then. I just made the verification and it's true, Firefox will support win7 until september 2024. I prefer Mozilla Firefox to SlimBrower. As for Win10, this doesn't help...
Trouble with Win10 on Alienware M17xR2 (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/alienware-m17x-r2-windows-10-crashingresets/67a8c771-95d2-4e74-950d-3f0bf68d4328) -
OperaForumJG last edited by
@raddy Finally, thanks to you for telling me that Mozilla Firefox will be available for Win7 machines up to September 2024. Because of this information, I've decided to switch to Mozilla Firefox and downloaded/installed version 102 ESR (Extended Service Release) for Win7. Up to now, it's working perfectly. When I will have my new laptop, I will probably get back to Opera. Thank you for telling me information about Mozilla Firefox. I thought they had already ditched their support for Win7.
bbildman last edited by leocg
@operaforumjg said in Security update:
@raddy Finally, thanks to you for telling me that Mozilla Firefox will be available for Win7 machines up to September 2024. Because of this information, I've decided to switch to Mozilla Firefox and downloaded/installed version 102 ESR (Extended Service Release) for Win7. Up to now, it's working perfectly. When I will have my new laptop, I will probably get back to Opera. Thank you for telling me information about Mozilla Firefox. I thought they had already ditched their support for Win7.
Of note, I tried installing Firefox (I am using Windows 7 Pro 64 bit) and lo and behold, once installed, Firefox allows the importing of all bookmarks, browsing data, passwords and history from Opera, thus making it possible to extend the use of a decent browser using Windows 7 until September 2024...I assume including updates until then.
A Big
on my end, for when Opera seems to not be working correctly because of the lack of updates.