Can't edit my previous comments, and discussions
l33t4opera last edited by
Something happened to the option edit my previous comments, and discussion.
If something has been changed in the forum code in this regard?
Are you aware of this bug? Is someone working on improving this? -
christoph142 last edited by
You just need to reload the page.
And yes, it's known and being worked on -
digmed last edited by
Something happened with the option to edit my own comments, and discussion. Did something has been changed in the forum code in this regard? Are you aware of this bug? Is someone working on improving this?We have limited the editing to 30 minutes after you posted. This is to prevent people adding spam-links to their own, old comments or posts.
l33t4opera last edited by
Thanks Christoph, I'm aware of the issue with "relod the page". My problem is different: today, since about two hours, the edit option, doesn't shows up for most of my previously added comments, or discussion.
l33t4opera last edited by
We have limited the editing to 30 minutes after you posted.
Ok, I understand, thank you for your reply, AndreasBy the way: Is this possible, that you can import all of my old posts, and comments (92) from the old form? Only 17 of them has been imported so far, but most of them are very important to me - thank you in advance
christoph142 last edited by
AFAIR only the past 6 months were imported. The rest would be outdated anyway, wouldn't it?
l33t4opera last edited by
I'm aware of this also, Christoph, but I'm sure, that most of my posts from the old forum are up to date, and important to me, and they could be also useful for other Opera's users.
digmed last edited by
I'm aware of this also, Christoph, but I'm sure, that most of my posts from the old forum are up to date, and important to me, and they could be also useful for other Opera's users.
Unfortunately, no. The import was a one-time operation, and we won't be importing more content from My Opera.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
You just need to reload the page.
And yes, it's known and being worked onThanks.
vikingen last edited by
Why can't you just import all posts? I think you can afford the extra space it takes.
A Former User last edited by
AFAIR only the past 6 months were imported. The rest would be outdated anyway, wouldn't it?
No, it would not be outdated. Opera 15 is about 9 months old, but many users are still using Opera 12 or earlier versions. You may as well import all of the old posts. There's gold-dust in some of those old threads about customising Opera, fixing plugins, etc.
Although 90% of the threads are not worth importing, the 10% that are should not be lost to the community. Perhaps you could import all threads from the important forums — Windows, Browser, Mail, and Customising (and some others) — except those that were locked?
It is probably easier to import the whole lot rather than filtering out some.