Crashing on some Samsung devices.
efolch last edited by
@riccardomineo Kinda same thing here: Opera doesn't start (opens and closes inmediately) in my Samsung S22. I tried deleting cache, deleting all data, reinstalling... nothing works.
However, Opera Mini works just fine, but it lacks some features of the full Opera browser. -
efolch last edited by
@speshul-flash I opened a bug report to Opera (ANDEX-105266). I also attached a video capture of the whole behavior.
However I believe there's no way to track its status or add more users as affected.I also tried with Opera beta hoping it was fixed there but the behavior is the same.
duartes last edited by
@riccardomineo another one reporting this issue. I'm on Android 12 (oneUI) on Galaxy S21. The issue wasn't as bad in the beginning - it would only crash every now and then. But since a week ago it's been useless... 100% impossible to open opera. I'm resorting to alternative browsers and just can't get used to absence of decent text-mode as opera.
speshul-flash last edited by
@efolch Well I hope they patch it soon it also seems to be on samaung devices.
iamthayse last edited by
@efolch yeah, same here. I don't even use vpn. I have an Samsung A53 (Android 13) and it's just like you said: opens than closes inmediately. I've also tried everything - more than once, but didn't work
I have other device, with an old android's version and it's working just fine. Not a Samsung though. Don't know what could be but really hoping they fix as soon as possible.
efolch last edited by
Tried with an older Samsung device, S5lite tablet, and Opera works just fine there, though the firmware is old. Maybe there's something between latest Samsung firmwares, or phone form-factor vs. tablet, that makes Opera go nuts. BTW, Opera Beta behaves exactly the same, so there's no fix there (yet?).
Is there any moderator around here? It looks like this is a pervasive issue among Samsung phones. Would love to have an status update.
MarkieT18 last edited by
@anawilliam said in Crash when Opera starts:
The same over here, someone finds a solution?
Same issues for me using Samsung Galaxy A73, keeps crashing. Tried everything and send multiple emails to Opera.
salimanilaslan last edited by
Same here, android 13, galaxy a72, opera and opera beta closes immediately
efolch last edited by
@leocg Looks like you're a moderator for the Opera/Android forum.
Reading through this post there seems to be a common problem with latest Android/Opera/Samsung combo.
Couple of Q's:
- Should we change the title to something to refer specifically to Samsung? (if so, I don't think I can do it, maybe you can?)
- Do you have any insights about what might be going on? Or a way to track the referred support case? Or a contact within Opera devels?
Solymus last edited by
-Version of Android: 13
-Phone model and manufacturer: Samsung A33 5G
-Ad-blocker is not enabled
-Data savings is not enabled
-Opera always crashing. i try everything but it does not work. I click opera and within a maximum of 2 seconds opera crashing
-i reset the data and cache and deleted and installed the application many times but it didn't work
-when ı click on it, it should open but it crashes before I can see the opening screen
-link text -
akkk last edited by leocg
Same problem for me:
Samsung S21 FE
Android 13
Opera and Opera Beta crash as soon I try to open the app
Opera Mini works perfectly.Solved Removing The Samsung Personal Area.
Once uninstalled the personal area the Opera App back to normal behavior and works.
I suppose there is something that doesn't work between Opera and Personal Samsung Personal Area in Android 13 UI 5.0 -
MarkieT18 last edited by
Very disappointed at the complete non response in relation to this issue.
I've sent four emails to Opera support detailing the details in relation to the app crashing and sent them a screen recording too.
Received no response whatsoever.
As a result I've deleted the app and I was a long term user and supporter of Opera.
guidoglx last edited by
@markiet18 100% agree. This thread has been open for more than a month with no response from opera. Horrible customer support.
guidoglx last edited by leocg
@akkk said in Crashing on some Samsung devices.:
Solved Removing The Samsung Personal Area.
Once uninstalled the personal area the Opera App back to normal behavior and works.
I suppose there is something that doesn't work between Opera and Personal Samsung Personal Area in Android 13 UI 5.0Could you explain how you did that?
I can't find Samsung personal area on my device -
riccardomineo last edited by
Opera crash. Re: Crashing on some Samsung devices.
Resolved istalling nova launcher instead of iu5. Opera works fine
miyukiwork Opera last edited by
Hello. we apologize for our delayed response.
If you could help us, please test the steps below and let us know if they fix the problem.Test 1:
- Go to Phone's settings
- Tap Apps
- Find "One UI Home" apps
- Delete cache and data (in Storage)
- Start Opera or restart Phone
Test 2:
- Go to Google Play
- Search for "Android System WebView"
- Check the version number and remember that
- Select "Uninstall" (You will not lose any data from other apps)
- Enable or Update "Android System WebView" again
- Restart Opera
or - Restart phone
- Wait until the phone finished start up processes and start Opera