Make Opera return to my startup page, not the "Start Page"
sierradave last edited by leocg
For decades (I go back to Netscape 1 and Opera nearly that long) my browser Home Page has been an HTML file stored on my PC. It is exactly what I want, organized just the way I want it.
I have set Opera to open to this page when I start the browser.
My Question: I want a 1-click route back to that page, Not to the Opera "Start Page" which is the icon with the little grid of 4 squares at the top. Is there a Home button I can add to that bar that I can set to return to my Home Page? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@sierradave There is no home page in Opera.
You can try using an extension that allows you to go to a specific page when you click on it -
sierradave last edited by sierradave
@leocg Thanks for responding! But that's way more trouble than should be necessary. For now I've placed my Home Page as a button on the Start Page, so it's just one additional click to get there. Just bugs me when a basic feature that was around forever disappears.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@sierradave It's been a decade that Opera (and other browsers) doesn't have a home page, it's not a recent change.