Opera GX speed dial file on computer?
Johan491 last edited by
I want to know does Opera GX has a file on the computer where he saves its speed dial websites, cause i need to pull them from another computer that has its windows not working, i only found the favorites but not the speed dial websites
howdyimswim last edited by leocg
@leocg as already said? Where? You are the only reply. Also where exactly are speed dial's saved in bookmarks? I do not see any speed dials bookmark section Anywhere in my bookmarks bar in Any folder.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@howdyimswim In the several topics and posts about it in this forum.
Speed dials are stored exactly where I said, in the Bookmarks file, located in the profile directory.
And in bookmarks page, you can see them by clicking on Speed Dial on the left.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Thumbnails for the speed dials are stored in the BookmarksExtras file. So, if you're going to copy over the Bookmarks file, copy over the BookmarksExtras file with it if you want to retain your thumbnails.
howdyimswim last edited by
@leocg I just noticed that this is regarding Opera GX, which must be different than the normal Opera Browser because I for a fact do not have my speed-dials anywhere in my bookmarks bar.
As for speed dials being included with ones bookmarks file, haven't looked yet but I believe you on that one.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@howdyimswim I don't think GX is different from regular Opera on that.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@howdyimswim Leo said bookmarks file, not bookmarks bar. The bookmarks bar, your speed dials, and the rest of your bookmarks are all shown in the Bookmarks panel or the bookmarks manager and are all saved in one file in your profile.