[Solved]How to remove the Warning message in Dev Console?
joeri-thys last edited by
@idlethumbs This worked for me : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72462196/red-warning-message-in-opera-console
NobodyImportant last edited by
@joeri-thys I appreciate this solution, thanks for sharing, but we shouldn't need to develop our own extension (or even install one from the store) to remove this message.
mavs last edited by
Opera, Please do something about this sh*t warning,
it's kind a annoying.
It really hurts my eyes when seeing it. -
nashuim last edited by
The reason why this has never been removed or an option for removing it has been added is because Opera doesn't care or really want developers using their browser.
We are not their main target and we're the furthest from their mind so using the extension linked above is the best solution we'll get. -
mroky last edited by mroky
This clearly shows how opera team works. Very amateurish.
The developers who coded this could have said something.
The quality assurance testers must have said something.
The product manager shouldn't have approved this. -
donq last edited by
I tend to agree, but look at this problem from other side too - what is worse for Opera, cry from few web developers or some users losing all their savings or crypting files due to the improper use of command console?Allowing to remove said warning with settings or at least with command-line options would be better of course.
A Former User last edited by
I've waited long enough for this regression to be reverted, but enough is enough. Wtf is this? Is this to imply an exodus of all devs from using Opera?
w8jcik last edited by
Developers are very sensitive to warnings. This is distracting and makes me use other browser for development. Please remove this warning.
ogibalboa last edited by
I will wait for another week and switch to Chrome unless you fix this stupid thing!
sarumaxhi1 last edited by
i hate it as well its too annoying i really like the opera gx but each time im working i choose other browser because of this warning if possible do remove it
xAzaelx last edited by
Consider using Opera as default browser
See red warning in dev tools
Go back to chrome and continue to use Opera only for VPN -
verstack last edited by
can be cured like this
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72462196/red-warning-message-in-opera-console -
verstack last edited by
@seph-reed said in How to remove the Warning message in Dev Console?:
Opera devs! Do you even use your own browser?
Yes! Opera devs! Do you used the Opera browser? )))
It's funny if they use chrome themselves. -
CHHarry last edited by
undock the console into a seperate window and you can open another console of the console and delete the warning element
laszlo1337 last edited by
This is pathetic. And this forum emails consent requirement is also pathetic. Any email comes my way, I will report it to google as spam. Why is it required for me to receive junk from this forum in order to post here?!
I can't believe you wouldn't allow me to close that warning, I have to be distracted by it every day for a few hours. Taking up space. Useless. I am switching to Brave. Thanks for nothing.
reichsleiter last edited by
it also funny but its not fun: opera developer - version of opera browser made especially for developers, but it also have this annoying message! Cybergod, give me the strength to stay with the opera until the developers of the opera fix this misunderstanding!
good-bye-opera last edited by
I can't believe this is still not fixed. Back to Chrome. So sad. I liked Opera.
petergroft Banned last edited by
As of Chrome version 78 (Dec 2019), in the "Console" tab, click on the "Default levels" pulldown, and uncheck the types of messages you don't want to be displayed. Show activity on this post.
Hope This Works,