Multiple Windows and Workspaces not working together nicely
cperkins last edited by
I have several workspaces, I like them a lot. But if I make a new Opera window (by dragging a single tab to a second monitor, or whatever) that second Opera window has empty workspaces. Which could be fine.
But the problem is, now if I close Opera I have to be very careful of the order I close the windows. If I close my main window first, and then close that second window - well, it updates my workspaces to be whatever the second window had - which is typically nothing. In other words, using the multiple window feature can easily defeat the workspace feature.
Is there any setting to mitigate this? I looked but could find.
Thanks for any help.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@cperkins Workspaces contain Windows, that contain tabs. So there's no such thing as a window with empty workspaces.
If you have more than one workspace with more than one window and want to keep them, you should close Opera using only Menu > Exit or its keyboard shortcut.
cperkins last edited by
I'm not sure what you mean by "workspaces contain windows" because that is not my experience at all.
Try this:
- make some workspaces, put different tabs in them. These are the things you value and want.
- make New Window (right click Opera in the task bar, choose New Window)
- observer that the workspaces in the second window have NO tabs in them. That's what I mean by empty.
- now close the first window. then close the second. Depending on if you chose "don't warn again" in the past you may or may not get warning messages here.
- launch opera. How many of your tabs that you set up in the first step are still there? Answer: none.
There are lots of reasons a second (or third) window might get open in Opera, such as moving something to a second monitor for viewing, certain scripts, etc. And then, when things close down, if your first window is not the last window to be closed, all your tabs that you set up in the workspaces will be gone. This has happened to me on more than one occasion and it seriously lowers the value of the workspaces.
Is there a setting to control this? I would love it if either
a) the window with the "most" tabs in its workspaces was automatically considered primary and it decided which tabs will be restored, not those other windows with just one tab.
b) secondary windows didn't get workspaces at all. -