What is omailbase.dat in Opera Mail?
hucker last edited by
I have a 1.3GB omailbase.dat in Opera Mail. I've already had it reindex after deleting billions of old newsgroup messages by deleting the lexicon folder which was 8GB. Can I speed it up even more by making it recreate omailbase.dat or is that not possible?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
See https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/m2tips/mail_folder_structure.
The lexicon folder is for search data. You can delete it to have Opera rebuild the search data to freshen it up and make sure it doesn't contain any old data like you did. But, doing so might not help with performance. Just depends. You usually only need to do this if searching is broken and you think the search data is corrupted.
But, you can't do the same with omailbase.dat. Opera can't rebuild it based on the mbs files in the store folder. If you delete omailbase.dat, Opera will no longer know about any of your stored messages. You can do a database check though that can fix some minor corruption or minor inconsistencies. But, it's not a method to rebuild the database.
The only way to actually rebuild omailbase.dat is to rename your mail folder, start Opera to recreate a new one, recreate all your accounts, and import any old messages you have that are no longer on the server.
hucker last edited by hucker
@burnout426 Thanks! Not sure if I increased performance by rebuilding lexicon, but 8GB is a fair chunk of my 500GB SSD. Either doing that or deleting (within Opera, then deleting the files themselves as it missed a load) billions of messages has sped up the launching of Opera dramatically (by a factor of 20).
I'll not bother rebuilding omailbase. But I'd like to try the database check. Trouble is I don't have a operaprefs.ini, only a operaprefs_default.ini. I'm looking in C:\Users\peter\AppData\Local\Opera Mail
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@hucker "Menu -> Help -> About Opera Mail" will show you where operaprefs.ini is at.
hucker last edited by
@burnout426 Thanks, found it. It did a quick check in a minute or two, didn't make the file smaller, but I guess there were bound to be some errors in there. Is it normally meant to do that itself periodically? It's never asked me before.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@hucker said in What is omailbase.dat in Opera Mail?:
Is it normally meant to do that itself periodically?
I think (it's been a while) it used to for Opera Mail in the Opera 12 browser suite, at least for a while after the option was introduced. But, I think after a while it stopped doing it (might have been an intentional change to not bug users) and would only do it automatically when upgrading in certain cases. As for the standalone Opera Mail, I think it only ever did the latter.