[Implemented]Tab stacking, tiling and tab grouping
youaredrink763 last edited by
Howdy, I typically have numerous tabs open, around 10-15, and screw up with them. More often than not I use console alternate routes Ctrl + (tab number) to get around the open tabs, however it would be significantly more simpler if Opera GX had the component to see tabs one next to the other or stacked in light of the fact that two tabs from comparable subjects can be seen without being completely turned inside out okay,
The other one is tab gathering, which I think most programs have, so I needn't clarify how valuable they are.
RJF-Campbell last edited by
For some reason (I don't think anything I did lol) the extension is now working and it's great!
Thanks to: Tab Resize by peterdotjs -
jlitz88 last edited by
Vivaldi feature of tiling tabs is nice. View multiple tabs in one window. Watch multiple videos ect. Opera should definitely add
it. Can resize, scroll, delete add. Different layouts They use stacking tabs too which is handy. And their appearance customization is great.But they completely lack a decent workplace interface which is what I love about Opera.
Screenshot of Vivaldi:
https://i.imgur.com/oCaLE5j.png -
RJF-Campbell last edited by
@jlitz88 Agree. I have had a look at Vivaldi. Nice setup. But with the tiling extension I added to Opera, I get most of that now too. And, as you say, the Opera Workspace is far superior and more useful for the way I work. It's great though that there are so many browser options out there. I did try Brave recently, but the crypto stuff drove me nuts. I also love the Opera Flow option. Very handy
jlitz88 last edited by jlitz88
@rjf-campbell i just added Tile Tabs WF It seems pretty good.. I checked out a few which on do you use?
Yes always looking at different browsers. Vivaldi does have a nice appearance modiier. But that in a minor thing. The workplaces in Opera are great.
RJF-Campbell last edited by
@jlitz88 I added this extension: Tab Resize by peterdotjs (you find it in the Chrome store).
At first it did not seem to work, but a few days latter was working fine. Never did figure out why?! Here's a screenshow of it in action: https://ibb.co/d6TMD7T -
jlitz88 last edited by
@rjf-campbell I tried that one out for a while settled on https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tile-tabs-we/lbnnfjfjdijcnaakaebgcoemmlicjbnl?hl=en-US but always open to find the best.
martyfeldman last edited by
I'm sorry, I find workspaces to be frustrating, and a bad idea when group tabs works so easily. There's not even a right click function to add an open tab to a workspace. So I open it up in the new workspace, or try and drag it over, which is a pain. Also, when I click on a workspace in another window, it's empty. Yet each workspace appears to be a new browser window. Mind you, I'm using GX, so it's implementation might still be buggy, but either way, it's not convenient to use and it's definitely driving me back towards a browser that has group tabs.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@martyfeldman said in Tab stacking, tiling and tab grouping:
There's not even a right click function to add an open tab to a workspace. So I open it up in the new workspace, or try and drag it over, which is a pain.
When workspaces are enabled, a tab is always in some workspace. So, if you want the tab in another workspace, you right-click the tab, goto "move tab to workspace", and choose the workspace you want to move it to.
Or, are you saying you want to right-click a tab and have a "Create new workspace and move this tab to it" option?
Also, when I click on a workspace in another window, it's empty. Yet each workspace appears to be a new browser window.
Workspaces are a visual thing. The tabs from all workspaces in a window are still technically together on the same tab bar and are all from the same window they're in. When you open a new window, just like if you had workspaces turned off, you get a blank slate of tabs that's separate from other windows. So, since each window has its own tabs, the workspaces in each window only show tabs from their window. There's no sharing between windows as far as the collection of tabs in each workspace goes.
kisswd last edited by
Enabling the tab group feature in the workspace would be really helpful.
I normally work on multiple tasks at the same time, so I use the workspace to manage them in priority. However, I also want to group all tabs that belong to a single task, so that I can easily see how many steps I have done for the task, and how many tasks are included in the current priority workspace.
davidgould last edited by
@hien-reese +1 for Chrome-style tab grouping.
The code is presumably public and all that needs to happen is to adapt it to Opera's style.
Even with workspaces, it's still handy to have (sub)grouping. I literally have a dozen or more contexts of tabs. I don't want a dozen workspaces. I want to subdivide workspaces into groups of tabs occasionally.
faridtnx last edited by
Tab grouping (stacking) is such a huge loss. Workspace is a different thing and I hope Opera come to conclusion that tab grouping should be back again.
adcrkv last edited by
Even if user tab grouping is gone, I'd love an option to have the browser auto-stack tabs from the same domain - if I have six tabs open from Amazon, show them as one tab that expands on hovering.
And there should be a setting to use two or three rows for the tab bar. Plenty of room on a lot of monitors to do it.
emmomurari last edited by
I've been using Opera for a long time and I really like the Workspaces feature, where I divide personal and work matters into different workspaces, but I'd like to group tabs within each workspace like the one in Google Chrome, for example:
Within the workspace work, you can have groups of tabs such as search, news, tools... each with a different name and color for easy viewing.
It would be interesting to have this feature native to Opera or some good extension that implements this feature. Worskspace with Tab Group would be awesome!
PhyreLighter last edited by
Group tab stacking is the only thing not convincing me to move to Opera again. I used Opera for about a month a couple years ago and really enjoyed it... however, tab grouping was so important to me that I could give up all the features Opera provided just for tab grouping. So now I just use chrome instead. Please work on adding this feature. It has been years since it's been suggested and it is a very sought after implementation.