Sync is working but not on active tabs
XiJinping last edited by leocg
Hello I have connected two of my computers together and told them to sync everything.
I also can see on all data uploaded from Both computers but they are not "downloading" it. For example I can see 20 Tabs open on device 1 and 3 tabs open on device 2 ... and they do not match with each other
What was entirely synced:
- Passwords
- Browsing History
- Bookmarks (even though they are divided into a device 1 and device 2 folder but i can acess both folders from each device)
What was partially synced:
- Settings (the sidebar got synced but thinks like the colour scheme and background image was not)
What is not syncing at all:
- Active Tabs
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@xijinping Opened tabs from one installations/devices will not be automatically opened in another.
You need to click on the Tabs icon in sidebar or go to opera://activity to see opened tabs from your other devices.