Opera shows only on taskbar
dragonlord43432 last edited by leocg
My opera launches and stays open perfectly fine but, it will not show up on my desktop no matter what. Task manager says its open and when I hover over it in the task bar I can see my browser, But when I click on it or alt+tab it doesn't open.
SebastianGM last edited by
I have the same issue. In my case I have two screens, one of them I use from time to time to watch films (the shared one). Then, if I close opera and after that I stop using this screen (win + P --> Use only PC screen), then the next time I open Opera it is trying to open in a position that is not visible (the old position in the screen that right now I'm not using.
I can fix it by using some adivces from some fellows here (Win + D), thanks @jiafoongwee a lot.
It would be nice if this bug can be fixed (please just check if the position exists, otherwise use a default one).
Caldor last edited by
I have this issue, seems to have come with one of the last updates as I never had this issue before and I have been using Opera since 2001. I have used multiple monitors for at least 3 years now. But only within the last month or two have I had this issue where some Opera windows just seem to be outside any of my 3 screens.
I have been trying some of the solutions suggested here, but I also use DisplayFusion to have different backgrounds on each monitor and it has some pretty useful options like moving all windows to the current screen. This worked for 2 of my windows but I have 6 open windows and one of them simply refuses to get back onto any screen even with these solutions where I can move one or all windows to the current screen.
I hope Opera rolls out a fix for this soon as its very annoying. I do have one solution that works but I just do not like it. That is to use TabHamster a browser plugin that helps manage tabs, it remembers what tabs you have open from day to day and you can save certain tab configurations. I usually have at least 50 tabs open, probably easily more than 100 tabs on a normal day. Then sometimes I finish with a window that has certain tabs regarding some project I was working on with information related to that and save that windows tabs to a tab group in tab hamster, if I plan on continuing on that later.
But because of this, I have TabHamster remember the tabs that are hidden in the offscreen window, so I can open a new window and use tab hamster to open all the tabs from that window in the new window and then close the old window. Pretty tedious solution, but until Opera fixes this issue, that is the best I can do.
This issue has gotten me to consider looking for a way to ctrl-tab the same way you can in Opera in some other browser, because this is highly annoying. I use Opera to save time and now I have spent probably an hour or two trying to solve this issue in some efficient way and I still have not found any good solution.
Caldor last edited by
I managed to fix the last window, this time I used F11, the full screen button. That made the window that refused to work go into full screen and after making it full screen and go out of full screen I could use my "move window to current screen" shortcut in DisplayFusion.
Still hope Opera will fix this soon.
Nyrion last edited by
So 2 days ago I was playing skyrim and went AFK for around 1-2 hours. When I came back the whole screen was buggy and the pc was not reacting, up to the point were i used the power button to put my pc out
Since then I cant open Opera, always when i open it, the window of opera is open ( and i see p.e. that my tabs are still open, but it stays minimized. Which is kind of frustrating.
I already tried, reinstalling, restarting, changing my screen settings( i use 2 screens, so i tried to unplug them etc.)
I tried to add a picture of what i see, even if it is not much maybe somebody can help me?
THis is all i see from opera:
A Former User last edited by
I'm going through the same problem, the difference being the fact I can (at least) see my tabs.
I tried everything this thread mentions, and installed the newest updated... This started today.
The version I installed:
jiafoongwee last edited by jiafoongwee
Hey, Just updating my post. I'm not sure if this is a windows issue or an Opera issue, but my earliest encounter with the problem is after the latest update to Opera version 75.0.3969.149. I am currently on version 77.0.4054.90. The issue usually will occasionally reappear when I unplug or plug my laptop from my monitors. I am also on Windows 10.However this fixed it for me:
Make sure your "invisible" Opera window tab is selected, you can just click on the icon from the window taskbar.
Hold down the Windows Key, then press โDโ. Repeat these steps to see if it makes the window you are looking for reappear. (you might have to hit Windows + D a few times, sometimes it takes me 3-5 repetitions)
Alternately, you can right-click a blank area of the taskbar, then choose โShow the desktopโ, then repeat.
this page might help:
https://superuser.com/questions/647751/shortcut-to-show-desktop-on-windows-7 (might help if you are on windows 7)Hope it helps
nolimitshannon last edited by
Gooday, This exact something happen to me all I did to fix this was to open opera then click on the thingy at the bottom right of the taskbar that makes tabs disappear and reappear. I clicked it twice and my opera showed up.
pauld13 last edited by
@jiafoongwee thank you so much for this answer. I don't know how you found it but it has been driving me mad for days.
DannyK last edited by
@jiafoongwee I never reply to such but it was so frustrating and this worked right away. Thank you !!
BC019 last edited by
@voyageur1 I am having the same issue. Installed the Opera update on both laptop and desktop. laptop no issue, Desktop all kinds of issues. Web pages are opening Millimetres out from where they should be, which means i need to drag then in to place. I uninstalled and did a clean install - to no avail. If i hover my mouse on the page it will pick up a site that is there ans open it, but i cant see the site. I either have a black screen or a white screen. It can only be closed from the taskbar.
No issues until the update went through this week.
Have tried the fixes documented to no avail.
maheesh last edited by
OMG just by trying this shortcut Windows+D my browser is showing on the desktop again for anyone having the same problem just try Windows+D without worrying much it really works
Lulub last edited by
your window is somewhere in the virtual space
try these:
alt + spacebar + x (it worked for me)or
open another program
right click on taskbar and chose cascade windowsor
alt tab to opera
shift + right click opera icon
and chose move then use arrows or mousethis post explains everything