Print Current Time in Page Headers??
lremery last edited by leocg
How do I set Opera to print the current time as well as the Date in page headers?? Thanks very much!
lremery last edited by leocg
@leocg ... Yes, the date appears in the header, and that's fine. I Also would like to have the current Time to display in the header - right next to the date. Could you consult the programmers to resolve this issue? Could you pass on a request to have this feature/item included in the next Opera upgrade? It certainly can't be that difficult to do/add. Firefox does it, and I think I've heard that Chrome allows the time display too, and I Really would like to stick with Opera exclusively. Please help, and let me know the response/results. Thanks again very much!!
lremery last edited by
@leocg Hi! Please forgive my ignorance, but who/what is Chromium? (Sounds like that "other" browser!?) Please perform whatever moves, copies, or whatever is necessary for my request to be placed before the right sets of eyes that will give it the attention which will lead to action. I appreciate your help very much!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lremery Chromium ( is the engine in which 8 out of 10 browsers are based nowadays.