I mistakenly clicked on reset passphrase
excel1bello last edited by
I mistakenly clicked on reset passphrase on the synchronisation page without fully understanding what it meant. Now all my bookmarks are gone. Is there anything I can do to recover the bookmarks. Please they are very important and I didn't create a local backup of the bookmarks. Thanks in anticipation of a favourable response.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@excel1bello They were removed from the sync servers only, they are still in your devices.
There is no way to recover the data that was removed from the Sync server. -
excel1bello last edited by
Thanks for your quick response. That's the problem, I was in the process of restoring my bookmarks to my device when I made that mistake. It isn't on my device. Is there no other thing I could do to restore the bookmarks? They are very critical to my startup. I would appreciate it there was a method I could use to recover them. Thanks. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@excel1bello Of you don't have a backup, I'm afraid the Bookmarks are gone.
The only possible thing would to try recover the old bookmarks file from your disk.