Full url in Opera 17. Any chances?
LisandreL last edited by 12 Oct 2013, 13:22
Trying new Opera. :rip:
Is there any option to see full url in the adress string?
I mean http / https and the params after the ? sign. -
LisandreL last edited by 12 Oct 2013, 17:13
Originally posted by Pesala:
Sure — just focus the address field.
1) It's not what I am asking for.
2) http does not come back even in this case. -
Deleted User last edited by 12 Oct 2013, 17:58
Then you will have to be happy with "no". By the way, an Opera security expert has written a serious smileyful article here to tell that seeing the full true url in the address bar is bad for your security http://my.opera.com/securitygroup/blog/2013/07/25/the-opera-address-bar Tiny quote:
...we have chosen to hide even more parts of the URL from the address bar. The protocol is too technical for most users to understand...
LisandreL last edited by 12 Oct 2013, 18:18
Originally posted by ersi:
seeing the full true url in the address bar is bad for your
Seeing? Security? It must be somehow connected with ostriches…
...we have chosen to hide even more parts of the URL from the address bar. The protocol is too technical for most users to understand...
Yeap. I see. New opera is a browser for dummies.
bastante last edited by 16 Oct 2013, 04:55
Originally posted by ersi:
Then you will have to be happy with "no". By the way, an Opera security expert has written a serious smileyful article here to tell that seeing the full true url in the address bar is bad for your security http://my.opera.com/securitygroup/blog/2013/07/25/the-opera-address-bar Tiny quote:
...we have chosen to hide even more parts of the URL from the address bar. The protocol is too technical for most users to understand...
Even now, web-designers don't understand that "I don't want to use your dumb crud of a browser IN MY Browser." But we lost that battle after the "advent" of the "Hand-held Multimedia / Streaming Content Device" (If it looks cool, it must be technologically advanced!) With more pages having the clients doing what the servers should be doing; and hence needing to create convoluted "browsers" for your browser to run... and hence cannot link to any one page and have a much larger overhead *etc, etc* "the protocol is too broken for people to understand anymore."
blackcoder last edited by 18 Oct 2013, 14:33
Not for Opera 17, but maybe later:
http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/show.dml/109458842?startidx=50#comment112835332 -
l33t4opera last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 17:03
Latest news regarding this case: "More power user settings, as the section is here (maybe the full URL show up soon too)."
LisandreL last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 17:35
Do not bother guys. I'm with FireFox already. After 11 years with Opera. It's kinda sad but sometimes one just has to change your habits.
A Former User last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 19:20
Originally posted by l33t4opera:
Latest news regarding this case:
OFC, no promises here. And there is a chance for changes, as we evaluate the priorities as we go, including your feedback.
A Former User last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 19:55
Wow, switching to another web browser just because you can't see http or https in a frigging text field... Really?? What's the justification?
LisandreL last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 20:12
Originally posted by scratchspace:
it's nice of you, as a happy FireFox user, to come back and visit us poor Opera users.
I just has an e-mail subscription for this topic. Nothing special.
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Wow, switching to another web browser just because you can't see http or https in a frigging text field... Really?? What's the justification?
It was not the only issue. I want bookmarks, vertical tabs and so on. Simply I did not asked about them because I was sure there was none of them.
I tried to stay at Opera 12, but sites started to say I have outdated browser and refuse to work with it.
And Opera 15+… it's like Chrome, which I do not like, but even with less features and customisation. -
A Former User last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 20:33
Originally posted by LisandreL:
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Wow, switching to another web browser just because you can't see http or https in a frigging text field... Really?? What's the justification?
It was not the only issue. I want bookmarks, vertical tabs and so on. Simply I did not asked about them because I was sure there was none of them.
I tried to stay at Opera 12, but sites started to say I have outdated browser and refuse to work with it.
And Opera 15+… it's like Chrome, which I do not like, but even with less features and customisation.It isn't even an issue for me... I really don't see this necessity. I mean, "" is no guarantee of security and the only other use which is copy works perfectly ok (if you copy the URL in the address field it comes with the protocol in your clipboard).
I understand your other needs, but switching from Opera does not equal getting a better browser (answering to your "less features and customization" instance), in reality it's accepting other trade-offs. Chrome and Firefox would require me to install an add-on just so I can be able to use a Paste&Go keyboard shortcut for example, an add-on so I can right-click selected text and get "Search with" so I can select one from my list of search engines, it would require an extension for a decent Speed Dial and so on...
Also, if you lived with Opera 12 and older where it was common for sites to display messages like "our site is not compatible with your browser", reading this "outdated browser" message shouldn't be scary.
funksoulbro last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 20:45
Opera is going down the route of forcing people to use extensions to add functionality that was built into Opera 12 and below too, so it really doesn't matter that you have to do that in Chrome and Firefox. Doing it in Firefox means that you can have an up to date browser that retains most of the functionality from Opera 12.16, while using Opera 17/18 means you can't get anywhere near that even with extensions. I don't see why you can't understand why people are deserting Opera after many years of using it. It used to be the browser that provided a ton of customisability and functionality without having to use add-ons. Now it's dumbed down beyond belief and even seeing a full URL in the address bar is considered "too technical" for users to understand, lol.
A Former User last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 21:11
Originally posted by funksoulbro:
Opera is going down the route of forcing people to use extensions to add functionality that was built into Opera 12 and below too, so it really doesn't matter that you have to do that in Chrome and Firefox.
It matters because for my needs I'd probably have to add more extensions with the functionality I want (if there are any) to Chrome/Firefox than to Opera.
Originally posted by funksoulbro:
Doing it in Firefox means that you can have an up to date browser that retains most of the functionality from Opera 12.16, while using Opera 17/18 means you can't get anywhere near that even with extensions.
Well I guess it falls under personal needs aways. The way I see it: now Opera still has unique features built in and you have to use some extensions (*depending on your needs*) but you prefer to switch to another browser just so you can do the same thing to it (filling its holes with extensions)? This is merely accepting different trade-offs.
For example, for the OP needs...
I don't use side tabs (vertical tabs) but it was already commented that they're working on bring this option back to the new version. And I don't know how the extension works but it exists for Chrome.
Bookmarks: same story.Originally posted by funksoulbro:
Now it's dumbed down beyond belief and even seeing a full URL in the address bar is considered "too technical" for users to understand, lol.
And no "technical user" was able to justify the need of seeing HTTP/HTTPS/FTP and the rest of URL parameters in the address field for everyday tasks.
funksoulbro last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 21:45
Opera 17 and 18 are garbage. Everyone knows it apart from the handful of Opera cheerleaders that loved Opera for its customisability/features, yet somehow still love the new version even though it's a dumbed down version of Chrome. The vast, VAST majority of people see web browsers as tools, not as a team to cheer for on an Internet forum, which is why, in a couple of years only you and one or two other people will be left here shouting "where's everyone gone?", haha. Just watch.
blackbird71 last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 21:59
Originally posted by funksoulbro:
... The vast, VAST majority of people see web browsers as tools, not as a team to cheer for on an Internet forum, which is why, in a couple of years only you and one or two other people will be left here shouting "where's everyone gone?", haha. Just watch.
I'm hardly a cheerleader for the new Opera, as anyone who's read my posts around here would observe... just as you describe it, I see a browser as purely a tool that serves my needs. However, be careful about attributing numbers ("vast, VAST") to the types of browser users unless you've got cold, hard, relevant, and accurate stats to back it up. Most of the browser-user folks I know are actually "civilians"... they use a browser to surf a handful of favorite sites, usually Flash-laden and/or social-networks. Regardless and in reality, I doubt strongly that either you, I, or even Opera have reliable stats - though we all probably believe we do.
Also, be careful about selling Opera short in where it goes in years to come. They've made a business of surviving as a smallish, adaptable browser company in a world of 'mega' browser promoters. Old Opera became what it was by a lot of innovation over a fairly long time span. What new Opera will really become is yet to be seen, whether by its critics or its fans.
funksoulbro last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 22:12
I was referring to the guy above you when I was talking about Opera cheerleaders. This forum is packed full of people whining about how crap the new Opera versions are - that speaks volumes.
Opera survived because it gave users something that other browsers did not - features and customisability. Now they are another also-ran who abandoned everything they built up to be a Chrome-clone. There's no reason for me to use it as an Opera user. There's no reason for users of any other browsers to switch to it, because they gain nothing of value. Do you really think users are going to sit around for years waiting for it to evolve into something that resembles the older version? Of course not. People have been waiting for months for them to add in usable bookmarks, but all we get is an increase in the version number but nothing that we actually want or need. You can stick a fork in Opera now, cos it's done.
A Former User last edited by 27 Oct 2013, 23:05
@funksoulbro you don't want to discuss anything, you ignore the content of my post, you ignore how the way I used Opera 12 diverged from yours (I don't need all that customizability, the default shortcuts and interface arrangement aways served me well for example, no need for custom buttons and ini files either, I don't need to set MIME types for downloads), I can't see anything worthy in Firefox to make me switch, and installing a couple of extensions doesn't kill me as much as it doesn't kill you to install extensions in Fx. I'm being sincere and rational, I'm giving objective examples from my personal experience, but it doesn't matter!
You just want to shout how much you hate Opera Software now regardless and brag about how great market analyst you are predicting Opera's demisse lol but I won't give audience to your little drama show. Bye.
funksoulbro last edited by 28 Oct 2013, 03:19
@scratchspace - I would love to be wrong about this. I've used Opera for 7 or 8 years. I've recommended it to friends. I've recommended it on forums. But the way I see it is, the entire backbone of what made Opera great (to me and many others) is gone. Their philosophy has switched entirely. So if you were a fan of Opera 12.16 and below because it had features and customisability options that required extensions in other browsers, or simply weren't available at all, there its no point sitting around waiting for the dev team to bring out "Opera 12.16 - The Blink Edition!" because it's never coming. Not unless they do a complete reversal of all the things they've said in recent months - which is not impossible - but again, sitting around expecting that to happen is just silly. You're better off looking for another browser now, before Opera 12.16 becomes even more insecure and incompatible with sites.
rafaelliuk would be saying "Opera 19 is great!" if they released it and it was exactly like the very first version of Netscape Navigator, so nobody should be taking that cheerleading fanboy seriously. Instead, read what the Opera devs are saying and think "well, do I want a browser like that?", cos the answer for me and many others is a resounding "no", as you can see by the many, many gripes on this very forum and Opera's plummeting usage stats on the desktop, except some people, it seems, are living in hope that Opera will evolve back into the feature-rich and customisable browser that made them use it over the competition in the first place. Those people are wasting their time IMO.