Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Chrome and Firefox would require me to install an add-on just so I can be able to use a Paste&Go keyboard shortcut for example, an add-on so I can right-click selected text and get "Search with" so I can select one from my list of search engines, it would require an extension for a decent Speed Dial and so on...
Basically I do not care if functionality is built-in or is brought by extensions. While it works well - I am ok with it.
I had extensions in Opera for Speed Dial and for search with and even for auto complete which is built-in functionality in other browsers.
Though I must say I loved Opera built-in Notes more than Evernote.
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
Also, if you lived with Opera 12 and older where it was common for sites to display messages like "our site is not compatible with your browser", reading this "outdated browser" message shouldn't be scary.
It's ok while they just show you the message. But if the message blocks all the site without an option to continue without changing «outdated browser»…
Well, now I saw rather few of such sites, but I guess their amount would increase.
Originally posted by rafaelluik:
And no "technical user" was able to justify the need of seeing HTTP/HTTPS/FTP and the rest of URL parameters in the address field for everyday tasks.
It's not a need but a desire. 
Cause this cuted urls look dumb and still not informative.
In case of hiding all this unneeded technical details and show it user-friendly I like the Yandex.browser way.