My webpage settings are gone
haruseok last edited by
Hello. I have been using Opera for over a year. I update it frequently too. Opera has access to everything. I have some preferences and settings that I set for certain webpages and for Opera itself. For over a year, these settings were unchanged even after I cleared my history and/or deleted all the cache.
It has been 3 months now every single day Opera resets my login info and other settings. For instance, I had been able to start Opera anytime and I was already logged into my Google account. But three months ago I opened Opera and I was logged out of everything including Google. I logged in thinking it was a problem on my end and it would be fine the next day. But no. If I close my computer and open it again, Opera would have been logged me out of everything. It doesn't have to be a day for it to reset. It automatically resets whenever I close my computer.
Customer center didn't help me at all. I tried e-mailing Opera but they didn't solve my problem. Did anyone encounter the same thing? Is this a new update that Opera resets everything? I thought Opera saved my passwords for easier log in. Can someone help me?