Add <Music Service> to Sidebar Player Topic
okumo last edited by okumo
@pavelopdev I can't find another Yandex.Music topic. Other music services requests are similar in a sense but still don't include what I would like to see. Doesn't it makes sense to create separate topics for different services to see which ones are more demanded?
SilentHugOfDoom last edited by
in player if we can add custom radio stations that would be amazing.
I listen online music a lot, but I use radios instead of this paid services.Stable macOS • Online Portfolio
A Former User last edited by
@okumo Well, it does not. I have despondent feelings we will achieve nothing, playing Cat and Mouse with Opera in Suggestions and feature requests (SFR) playground. You can and you may write whatever you want, but I'm afraid the SFR chapter is sort of relief valve only. You will get no feedback, you will receive no yes or no in return, you will hear neither thanks, nor damn you (aka how dare you) - this users space is a perfect void or echo chamber (if someone will step in and support you with +1). Do not expect to be a player in sorta beauty contest. Likes are banished (good) as no one will care what is more demanded. We, I mean - you and many others (me too) - are constantly tossing a coin with small hope we will win new Opera feature. That's how it goes on here. Try it, but without illusions.
A Former User last edited by
@SilentHugOfDoom I'm afraid Player was created for Big Fat Cats. It lacks such services like Yandex.Music, or Deezer.
For example, Polish Radio serves its streams in one Polish Radio Player. Excellent source to be implemented in Opera Player.
All radio stations offering one stream might be placed in Custom site panels (CSP). The bad news is the limit - CSP can keep 5 website only.
SilentHugOfDoom last edited by
@pavelopdev thanks a lot for the answer
it would be amazing if I can add some custom stations like I do in worldwide radio or online radio extensions. because, there's no fun in discovering music in big platforms, actually it's not possible. when I listen radios I keep discovering new bands while I work. those platforms are helping users to reach any music, but they are not fun for discovering. maybe youtube music, but I don't want to give my money to google.
Stable macOS • Online Portfolio
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@SilentHugOfDoom Hi, it's nice of you. Thanks.
Website radios has one disadvantage - they are loaded with tones of shitty graphics and unwanted ads. If you like to listen to the radios only, leave the Opera Player for kids who badly need to watch the whole f****g graphical caboodle, and use CSP.
BTW. Before I discovered Opera Developer, which I deem an excellent base for the next highly developed version focused on productivity (AND not on social networks like at present) and which I named Opera Commander (your request suits the project well), I've turned to small radio scripts.
mpv - plays audio/video
bash - shell script language
IceWM menu - radios launcher
stream port - must be found out and opened in firewallThe xterm (console) window (green, see the Fig.1) can be visible on all IceWM Desktops and "on top" (if you like). everything else explains the screenshot below.
Anyway, Opera appears to be nice and useful tool for running many apps without leaving Opera, but it needs polishing and strong conviction for such changes.
[Fig. 1] How to play radio using Bash script in Debian. (open in new tab to see in full size)
Hartford last edited by
The sidebar is a brilliant idea. It's extremely useful for being effective and for another app on the sidebar, it would be amazing to have the Spotify Web Player integrated into it.
I really like the idea of being able to just play music from Spotify on the sidebar and would like to have this feature!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@Hartford It should be in sidebar
A Former User last edited by
@Hartford You may use Spotify Player in a Tab from any Workspace for the time being. Create a workspace, name it Media for example, and keep there opened websites or players of all sorts. You can use two windows layout - left one as broad main browser and the right (second) narrow for media center. Sidebar Player's Spotify is functionally limited.
Just for a proof.
tasha1241 last edited by
Thank you for the itunes but could we also have spotify on the side bar as well. It will be a good relaxer for some of us.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by leocg
@ruler2006 The OP didn't say nothing about the request is being for GX and didn't post in the GX section...
As far as I know, the (music) player is not there for GX yet. You can enable it in opera://flags but it isn't working yet.