How to augment Reload tabs limit?
A Former User last edited by leocg
Thanks to idiosyncrasy of Opera developers or managers I am coerced to see the idiotic pop-up micro window with information Reload 10 tabs? every time I wanna reload just 10 tabs!
The question in the title is valid, or better - how to get rid of the limit for all!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg OK, thanks. So, should I report it as a bug through Opera bug report wizard?
Someone has to keep the forums tidy and in order. Me and many other users do not know whether our informal bug reports are heard. This side part of Opera forums is an impenetrable dark part.Answer me directly if you please, without euphemisms. Too many small, but irking bugs are kept unanswered and not corrected. Opera has the potential to be real Opera, but real feedback must works!
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@leocg What if the limit was set to 3? No bug as well? You are too lenient I think. Anyway, thanks.