Speed Dial Start Page - old setup into newly installed Opera
aririo last edited by
How can I reinstate the old Speed Dial Start Page in newly installed Opera?
I backed up the User\AppData including the files \Opera Stable\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Bookmarks and BookmarksExtras (the files have no extensions). I had to reinstall windows 10 and then installed new version of Opera (71.0.3770.171).
Then I copied the two previously backed up files "Bookmarks" and "BookmarksExtras" into the folder ......User\AppData\Opera Stable\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable. Unfortunately, there was not any effect, i.e. Speed Dial Start Page did not update to the old version.
Any idea how to proceed ? -
aririo last edited by
@leocg There is not visible option "Other Speed Dials", not even under Bookmarks. There is Other Bookmars option but it does not help.
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aririo last edited by aririo
OK, I found it. Thank you.
How can I move/copy the speed dials from Other Speed Dials to the main Speed Dial page ?
I have tried Export Bookmarks option and then Import Bookmarks (previously exported html) on the Speed Dial Page under opera://bookmarks - Bookmarks bar - Speed Dial without success. -
aririo last edited by
OK, it worked, thanks. It has to be dragged into the menu on the left side (Speed Dial).