Getting Downloading File Issues in Opera
sharatna last edited by
I am trying to downloading some file but it got automatically cut and close the browser without completing the download. I tried many times but same thing happend with me. Is there any update or something?
sharatna last edited by leocg
@leocg hey there, i have tried to download some of file from [possible spam removed] from another one's devices and it got done. but whenever i tried to download from my computers, still it;s not being done. should i troubleshoot or uninstall then install the opera? Plz help me to out this issue
gauravseth22 last edited by leocg
i have tried to download some of file from [possible spam removed] from another one's devices and it got done. but whenever i tried to download from my computers, still it;s not being done. should i troubleshoot or uninstall then install the opera? Plz help me to out this issue
lukerwright89 last edited by
i tried all sites mentioned by users from here but i cannot able to download the file
also getting same issue on other sites too. anyone here who can help me to get away from this kind of problems.