[Solved]Video thumbnails don't show up on Youtube
pendaws last edited by leocg
I have been having issues with Youtube in the last three updates of the Browser. I am using 70.0.3728.71 version.
What is happening with the browser is that when I go to Youtube, the small picture files don't always show up and I have to refresh the page for them to show. I have cleaned the browser history, cleaned the Youtube history and it still does it.
I have used two other browsers and there is no issue at all. It's only a little annoying but I would like to go back to the way it was. Does anyone have an idea? or what I am doing wrong?Using Windows 10 2004 (19041.388)
l33t4opera last edited by l33t4opera
Hi @pendaws, I'm not sure if this is the same case, but probably you run the Opera with
switch, and if so, remove the switch and see if this helps.
If it doesn't help, then instead of it try to launch the Opera with the switch as follows--enable-blink-features=ShadowDOMV0,CustomElementsV0,HTMLImports
. -
pendaws last edited by
Thank you to both of you for the answers. I found that the issue was with Web of Trust. I disabled it and the problem disappeared. So I have added an exception to WOT and now it is done.