opera asia vpn setting reads as sweeden
A Former User last edited by
hello, i downloaded opera recently. the asia setting of the vpn worked for a few hours until it started reading as sweden for some reason. i have been using it on netflix. previously, when the asia setting worked, netflix read it as singapore. now, it reads it as sweden
ive tried resetting all settings, turning my wifi on/off, turning off/on vpn, and logging out/logging back into netflix. is there anything i can do to have the asia vpn setting work again? please helpp
A Former User last edited by
@leocg thank you for the reply. i did try to find threads for people with similar situations but i didn't find any. it's just odd because the vpn worked before, and it sometimes works for a few sec before kicking me out again. idk.
diegoo199 last edited by
I have the same problem. I downloaded opera like a week ago, and the asia vpn worked just fine, also in singapore. but since today whne i tried to set it in asia it sets me in sweden. idk what to do to make it work :c
A Former User last edited by
@diegoo199 omg i feel u, i swear ive tried everything : ( if you get it to work then let me know bc i need to watch kimetsu no yaiba aklfdjfksjfgd
A Former User last edited by
@diegoo199 ajfadkf tysm ! sweden netflix does have ghibli films and deadman wonderland so its not entirely useless. i recommend those both