Is recording on screen on software such as Discord?
hagfird last edited by
Hello. From my experience with Discord in Opera browser, the only thing I can tell you is this:
I've used both Discords (The browser's one and the recently side-bar Discord) and when I was in a voice call, the audio didn't sound properly and, when I tried to stream or view my friends' streams or video cameras, simply it wasn't showing up. So, I recommend you to utilize the Discord browser mode only for chatting and, if you want to make a call or stream a game, use the app on your computer.
That's all. I don't know about any article that talk about the problems with Discord in Opera browser, sorry. -
dafint last edited by
Thank you for your reply, it's just unfair that Opera GX doesn't show up on screens share anymore for me. I let my friend help me test out the screen share feature and it worked for him on the same browser.
hagfird last edited by
Hmm that's strange. Maybe it's due to Opera version. Have you asked your friend for the version that he's using?
dafint last edited by
Well I'm not entirely sure, I can't ask him now since he is asleep, but since Opera GX auto updates itself he might be on the latest version. It's only an assumption I'll keep you updated as soon as he is online.
hagfird last edited by
Alright, I understand. Anyways, the aim of asking the version is for comparing our versions. Maybe, some updates work better with Discord than anothers.
PolF7 last edited by
La solución es sencilla, tienes que ir a los Ajustes de Opera y desactivar la "aceleración por hardware".
Al menos eso me funcionó a mi con ese problema de la pantalla negra al capturar una ventana de Opera con Discord, OBS Studio o cualquier otro programa que permita compartir pantalla o ventanas abiertas. -
dafint last edited by
I don't understand what you said but I know what you mean. I have done the voice & video things needed and it still won't work, drivers and etc.