[Feature proposal] Add the feature playing mini game to "GX Corner".
kyu3 last edited by leocg
Microsoft added Surfing game to MS Edge. This is very nice! I don't use MS Edge. But I want to download only for playing this game!
Introducing the new surf game in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog
https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2020/05/26/surf-game-edge-stable/?ocid=Evergreen_soc_omc_win_tw_Text_lrn_SurfGameOpera GX is named "Gaming Browser". So, I think Opera GX should confront MS Edge! Opera GX have game information tab "GX Corner". For example, Opera add the feature playing mini game to this tab. And the game are changed to other game montly. If so, charm of Opera GX would increase!
kyu3 last edited by
I surprised! Will Opera really make the games gallery on the game corner of Opera GX?
Opera opens up for faster, easier and free publishing of new games from GameMaker Studio to Opera GX users - Opera Newsroom
https://press.opera.com/2021/09/30/opera-gxc-gamemaker/ -