Opera 68 is here with built-in Instagram in the sidebar
A Former User last edited by
Please bring back "recently closed" quick button. In most cases, I do not open more than 5-7 tabs, so the "tab search" function is almost useless for me. The "recently closed" function, on the contrary, helped a lot to keep the tab bar clean. Please make it possible to select your preferred function in the settings.
imleave last edited by
@oldoperauser: opera://flags, look for the 'search' and set the tabs search to disabled, then the recently closed will reappear
kened Banned last edited by
@reerk: Disable this flag "opera://flags/#search-in-open-tabs"; the recently closed tabs button will return.
x-japan0890 last edited by
Just kind of a stupid question, but why on the new built-in instagram the dm icon doesn't appear for me?
carrotman1 last edited by
What have you done to this update? My CPU is going through the roof!!!
Any recommendations of settings changes to make please?
Yes, I have a lot of tabs open, and this browser used to handle it. -
A Former User last edited by
@carrotman1: High CPU usage might be caused by your CPU rendering all visual stuff instead of your GPU.
Look at the setting "hardware acceleration" or something like that an enable it.
If it already is enabled, I have no other idea. -
A Former User last edited by
That's Great, The built-in Instagram sidebar is really useful. I have checked in desktop it is fine now will test in mobile.
vitormanuel last edited by
@vitormanuel: Where I can find the flags "Enable the use of SurfaceLayer objects for videos" in the new Opera:
If you comeback to the good version 66.0.3515.95, you have to go to to opera://flags and search for these two:
Use surface layers in Video Pop-out
Enable the use of SurfaceLayer objects for videos.
Disable it, and the old popout player will be back, including resize.
A Former User last edited by
Can you stop adding such useless feature and break user experience?
There still a lot of UI element's click effect are using material design style, such as the popup shown after click the lock icon on address bar, and menu was incredible small for touch screen user.
And UI design of Privacy protect popup (address bar) and extension manage(top right) are complete different design, is there still any designer working on this product? How can you show such ugly popup after click on address bar??
edmarcio last edited by
Please give me back the "Recently closed tabs" button.
That was the biggest complain with the last update. -
A Former User last edited by
Had to disable the new tab search to get back the "recently closed tab" feature .
A pity as I'm pretty sure there was a way to integrate both the search and the closed tab in the new version...