Bookmarks by the Side
iron2000 last edited by
@vsto22010: You can drag any link to any folder name in Bookmarks by the Side, the title text will become bold. Release the drag and the "New bookmark" dialog will slide in to confirm the save.
iron2000 last edited by
@vsto22010: I have no such problem on my side.
The bookmarks bar stay hidden for me. -
A Former User last edited by
@iron2000 said in Bookmarks by the Side:
@vsto22010: I have no such problem on my side.
The bookmarks bar stay hidden for me.
Текст ссылки -
A Former User last edited by
@Opera-Comments-Bot said in Bookmarks by the Side:
Here you can post comments about Bookmarks by the Side extension, created by iron2000
your application as in the old Opera
, but please speed up the update of the list of bookmarks when editing
, as in Opera or, for example, in V7 Bookmarks. All put
if you want it too
A Former User last edited by
Hello. I really love your extension, but after last opera update (Version:66.0.3515.27) first disappeared side panel with heart-shaped button (no, it wasn't sidebar, I checked), and second - bookmarks sidebar used to close automatically after I open bookmark, but now I have to click somewhere on opening page to close it. Box "Sidebar stays open..." is unchecked. I reinstalled extencion for a few times, but problems stay.
A Former User last edited by
Same here after the latest update. It maybe that the developer of the "app" hasn't updated for some time. It is really annoying and I am trying see if I can find another one to work the same way. I restored my PC to an earlier date and the earlier version Opera appears and everything is fine - not an ideal situation. Will have to go back to Firefox if can't find a work-round.
A Former User last edited by
@robinjmoffatt i looked through all other extensions and all have equal problems
iron2000 last edited by
Looks like Opera revamped the sidebar.
Something changed in Opera, I'll have to look into it and see if I can accommodate it.
I have no idea whats the problem but I'll try to look into it. -
A Former User last edited by
Thanks iron2000 it would be much appreciated when you get time. I have gone back to an earlier version of Opera in the meantime.
A Former User last edited by
@kechristen - thanks for that as this has solved the problem for "Bookmarks by the Side" as well!
"kechristen about 17 hours ago
Go to:opera://flags/#sidebar-extensions-in-browser-sidebar
and select Disable for sidebar extensions in browser sidebar.
V7 tabs should now behave as it did in previous Opera versions."
iron2000 last edited by
Great that theres a flag to revert back to the old sidebar.
Took a look at the new sidebar and it seems restrictive.
The "window.close()" method I use to close the sidebar doesn't work with the new implementation.
Setting the tab to focus on bookmark left-click (and therefore closing sidebar) doesn't work too.
Though it seems like that behavior is hard-coded by Opera on middle-click.
Whether the new sidebar predicatively close or stay is up to the pin up top right.
Its all restricted and I can't seem to get my way with how the new sidebar behave. -
guenterw last edited by
I was very happy with "Bookmarks by the Side" until the update to Opera 66 a few days ago. I used "Bookmarks by the Side" as a very thin column, only showing the web site's icons (like it was possible with early opera installations). This doesn't work any longer. Now there is a minimum width of about 1/5 of the screen on my 14'-Laptop. - Please do reset this minimum width!
guenterw last edited by
@guenterw: The solution provided in solved the problem. (At least for now ....?)
A Former User last edited by
According to this post they removed the #sidebar-extensions-in-browser-sidebar flag in the latest update. So as far as I understand it's now impossible for this extension to work properly on the latest build of Opera.
If anyone has a solution please share it with us.